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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ronin, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. bonanos are best, theirs lots of things you can do with a bonano.
    bonano on toast, bonano and cream bonano and ice cream, bonano in batter that's called a bonano fritter.
    bonano and custard, you can put bonanoes in lots of things.
    bonanoes rock.
    yip i am waiting for a big job to arrive.:smile:
  2. WTF is a Bonano ? Do you mean Banana ?
  3. bonano,Scots for two banana it was a phrase used in some movie, trainspotting i think.
  4. Man, you skirt wearing dudes are weird. Our NZ TV news did some local interviews at the Glasgow Comm. games, it didn't even sound likes the interviewees were from the same planet, let alone actually speaking English.
  5. sorry could you repeat that?
    why do you guys always sound South African?.
  6. The Yappies are OK, at least they can play Rugby. ;)
  7. [​IMG]
    friends of yours?;):smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Yep, meet most of them. ;)
  9. i'v ate most of them.
    quite tasty newzealanders.
  10. Too fuckin' expensive here, chicken out sells all other meat in NZ nowadays.
  11. bummer, been getting some from local farmer foc seeing as the wife helps out with his clydsdales. lamb is the best. theirs lots of things you can do with lamb. grilled lamb, stewed lamb, rack of lamb, lamb curry, lamb dhansak, :smile:.
    that jobs not turned up yet. maybe the roads shut it's mental here the now.
  12. Mental ? Weather wise?
  13. no, just me.
    yip weather wise.
    might have to take the glen road tonight.:Nailbiting:
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