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People Are Unbelievable!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. I blames the blacks
  2. come on dude, no need.
  3. I live in a listed house, in the storms a few years back we had some wall tiles shift and come loose. We have a specific builder we use who specialises in listed building construction, as it can be a pain in the arse! The quote to repair was just over £2,200. I called the insurance company who asked for an email of the quote. I sent it to them, and about an hour later they called me to give me the go ahead. They then asked me for my bank details so they could pay the money into my account so I could pay the builder! I asked them to pay the builder direct but they said it was easier if I paid and sent them the receipt. How easy would it be for a corrupt builder to get a mate to stick a claim in, it seems daft to me?

    Although I feel sorry for those flooded, if you live near a river or on a flood plain and don't think it could happen to you, then you are a fool. Stop blaming everyone else for your decision to buy your house where you did. My dad lives on a river and had 2 foot of water in his place a couple of months back. But he knows the risk, amd shifted pretty much everything out of reach of the water. The only thing he couldn't save was the oven. He didn't even bother to claim as he chose where he lives and sees it as a risk worth taking for his location.
  4. In my view, 3rd party minimum legal cover for all vehicles should be government-backed and included in the tax disc. So long as a vehicle was taxed it would always be insured for damage to third parties. Any and all insurance beyond that should be optional - so as regards fire, theft, and comprehensive cover for your own property, it should be up to you to choose whether to pay for the cover from an insurance company or accept the risk yourself.
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  5. I could have been referring to the New Zealand Rugby team.
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  6. Capitilsm. Its why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Why does anyone need to be paid more than say £100K a year. Im not sure if that is Socialism or Communism.
    But it is the way people have to live with the way we are in this country. Making hard working people wanting some of their hard earned cash back. Im not wealthy, but im not a scrounger either.
  7. in that case "come on dude, no need ":biggrin:
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  8. Yes, that makes very good sense. It must be do-able surely?
  9. If a vehicle is uninsured it highly likely that's its untaxed too don't you think?

    Back on thread,a false insurance claim is fraud most likely so a few well placed actions brought about by these companies may act as a reminder to those who may be looking at maximizing their lot.
  10. The mini americans have that system.
  11. I don't really understand the logic in your ( UK ) vehicle insurance. Over here I can have full cover , 3rd party ( only covers the other vehicle if Im in the wrong ) or special ( in my case I have 4 bikes fully insured but only for storage, fire , theft ). If I have a crash I claim on my own policy and if I am in the right the insurance co will pay me out and then they go after the person in the wrong to get their money back , if Im wrong ( not drunk or commiting a crime at the time ) they pay me out and the other vehicle insurance pays them and then goes my insurance co for the money. If the other party is wrong and has no insurance I still get paid and my insurer will then sue the other driver personally (been there :frown: ).Easy and it aint that expensive ...... 1974 Guzzi valued at nz$8k cost me ( over 50 )$450.00 for full cover , with a $250.00 excess , and that is even tho I was convicted of wreakless driving ( basically I ran over a cyclist who repeatedly and deliberately failed to give way and I got sick of taking evasive action to avoid him and just ran the cnut over ........he gets out of the way now !) and I wrote off a $8k ducati
  12. All the money the landowners made selling their land, the money the developers made developing it, the tones and tones of money made by the moneymen funding it, then there’s the incredible amount of corruption going on while it all happened.

    Now it’s all under water, and we are all going to have to pay it, but remember to say ‘thank you’ and to be joyful and open your wallet for them, because, you will eventually get the bike of your dreams one day :p
  13. LOL merry Chrismass,
  14. I miss nz
  15. Likewise, I always ramp my car and bike voluntary excess to £500. In the last 19 years I've saved many many times that amount in reduced premiums. I also don't believe protected ncb should apply for fault claims, just fire, theft, vandalism and being hit by uninsured drivers. Being able to keep your ncb (even some of it) after rear ending someone because you we're either too close or not paying attention makes a mockery of the system.
  16. Protected ncb is another reason why you should never trust insurance companies. Why protect someone who's shit at driving?
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  17. "The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him."
  18. Mark Cavendish's assailant..?
  19. Exactly! It's a bonus for not claiming. Paying an amount to protect someone from losing it is pretty much a bribe.

  20. I would expect most policies to require the insured to mitigate against the insurers losses, ie not leave stuff downstairs to get damaged when it can be easily moved upstairs
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