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Pet Hates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. People?? Who let their dogs shit all over the pavement and feel they're above cleaning it up. Filthy dirty bastards want their fecking noses rubbing in it. Grrrrr
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  2. MacDonalds' apple pies.

    Because they are not pies, they are a weird sugary confection with a cold outer coating and insides like scalding magma which inflict serious burns. Mind you, I loathe them so much, I never order them. Sorted!
  3. BBC Newsreaders who say that so and so is outside,for example,The House of Commons "for us".Who else would they be there for?
    Wife doesn't like me watching the news because It gets me ranting and raving.
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  4. My son just said - why go out shopping when you can stain your pyjamas while sat on the sofa doing it online

    Ffs he may be 20 but I can still give him a slap round the ear
  5. Is that the Polynesian Gloucestershire pacifically????
  6. Char, did you mean to say "stay in" or what you have typed, "stain"?
    Cos I am LUISM here :biggrin:
  7. Blimey!!!!!!!

    Might be worth considering blocking some of those websites then....
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  8. Geeze now I'm not sure - I better go ask him
  9. McDonald drive through weekend burger warriors who feast in their cars then toss the empty trays and bags out of the window littering the countryside, yes I fooking hate them, take your rubbish home with you....Morons!
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  10. Gastro Pubs

    If I want to eat my burger off a giant uneven pebble or plank of wood with a wooden skewer through it I'll let you know but i would prefer a plate and a knife and fork if its not too much fekin trouble
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  11. a particular annoyance of mine which irritates completely disproportionately to the crime that is being perpetrated, and that abominable crime is people who pedal bicycles with the arches of their feet instead of using the balls of the feet which the pedals are designed for, which provide the most power and the most comfort.
    there are very few things that look quite as ridiculous as someone riding a bike and looking like Donald Duck..whenever i see an idiot riding like this i always wonder who taught them...their fekkin Nan???
    why doesnt it occur to them?? one of the greatest gifts my Dad gave me was learning how to ride a bike properly...
    i also get annoyed when i see plonkers on motorbikes doind a similar thing..toes stuck out at 10-2...looks ridiculous, has no control and they nearly take their toes off around every corner...
    look at pro cyclists..watch their technique...look at cycle shoes..they clip the feet into the correct position on the pedal..look at pro motorcycle riders..when was the last time you saw Rossi et al with their toes poking out at 45 degrees??
    Never is the last time...
    really, really bugs me beyond reason....
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  12. The one show. Jeesus, it's just so safe, predictable puerile nonsense, what a bloody yawn fest. Dull dull dulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
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  13. and alex jones who has the potential to be superhot dresses like an old granny.
  14. I would check out 'sagging' on urban dictionary and all will be made clear :biggrin:
  15. supermarket car parks (Waitrose in particular) where the rules of the road are abandoned on entry

    also if you drive bland pointless small hatchback like the majority the issue of trying to find said inoccuous vehicle amongst a sea of matching trite boxes

    thank god for central locking bleepers
  16. 1. nissan micras with old people doing 20 mph with 20 cars behind them
    2. one lorry overtaking another lorry on duel carriageway, which goes on for miles and miles and yawn
    3. vans with " police follow this vehicle" signs on the back, whats all that about
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  17. shouldnt be a posh bird shopping in waitrose ; ) , but yeh agree
  18. I was buying steak for tomorrow - I do make the odd exception :eek: I shop in the market at 4 on a Saturday :upyeah:
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