Especially when you took a day off because they can't deliver it to a different address or leave without a signature and the depot is 30 miles away
the rest of the family squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle.... Oh and people eating with their mouth open, especially on TV, and opposite me on the tube. Feckin barbaric.
Just people. I want a shed in the middle of a field in the middle of the back of beyond. I'm happy to be alone, really I am. Why do people insist on living together?? It's just not right!!
What you need, Troy, is a chalet half-way up an Alp. And it can be yours! No road, no electricity and no people. Not even expensive! I'll organise it for you if you like (for a fee...).
That sounds perfect kind sir. Can you also arrange a new passport and id please so no one can find me at all. Thank you
People who smoke by doorways I understand you want/need to smoke, but my god, why should the rest of us have to walk through a cloud of Silk Cut to get into the building
People who steal, that really gets my blood boiling, even if they haven't stolen from me, or anyone I know.
Ohhh, so many to list. I'll name one simple one that my kids still can't manage! Squeezing toothpaste from the middle . Feck is it that difficult?