i h8 txt spk, and even worse..teens so desperate to be cool saying shite like 'O.M.G' and such like crap....sick of it...also sick of: kids that wear their jeans below their arse cracks..why?? you havent done jail time, you dont live in south central..you live in surbiton and go to a nice school. tailgaters... people who have an unswervable opinion of something about which they know either nothing or very little. people who see things in total black and white and have a very simplistic world view...not just their usual right wing politics but also simple things example: my dad was chatting to his neighbour who was having some new fencing constructed..the lads were working their butts off, digging holes to accept the concrete posts before filling in with liquid concrete etc..my dad made a comment to how hard the lads were working, and all the tosser neighbour could remark was, 'well they should've tried harder at school'...what a tool...looking down on someone who does hard graft for a living instead of sitting on their arse..typical pencil pusher..