;-) yes I think we have the message As you can see we are behaving so there was no need for the post that I was posted
lol I absolutely loathe the expression "lol". It sounds totally shite and people chuck it in anywhere, even when things aren't that funny or just mildly droll. It's the equivalent of putting lots of exclamation marks after something you've written!!!!! Like it's fantastically amusing lol!!! It's just keyboard hysteria. May as well replace with LUISM Laughed until I shat myself. On second thoughts, don't bother. LOL is the keyboard equivalent of a canned laughter track.
These: :smile::redface::frown::tongue::wink: Smileys are childish, vulgar, superfluous, deeply unfunny, and quite irritating. I never use them (except in this post, obviously).
My pet hate is indeed myself for posting inappropriate posts and upsetting folk when under the influence........please accept my apologies
I once had to install a five-bar-gate for an agricultural engineer, you know the type, university degree with soft hands. Job was going along nice and smooth enough, just applying a little sadolin as an extra protection against the elements as per norm. Then the (ginger) arrogant fuck-wit come up to me and said "make sure you put plenty on top". Two things happened after that, one I pissed in the sadolin and two I did put plenty on top, I put all of it on top. Anyone that works outside knows that gates don't rot out from the top, they rot from the bottom coz every normal person knows that water runs downhill. Thick as fuck.
i agree with every syllable of your whitterings and i for one, will begin to deploy LUISM without discretion to see if it catches on!!!!!!!