Yes but equally they won't force a fair market price when the price drops as they will loose out, so they absolutely do in a way?
OPEC also has fuck-all influence of the price of crude these days, and hasn't had for years. Whatever causes the price of crude to rise next year, it won't be OPEC.
Del boys price fixing deciding factors then: 1. There are many factors that commodities traders look at when developing the bids that create oil prices: Current supply in terms of output, especially the production quota set by OPEC. If traders believe supply will decline, they bid the price up. If they believe supply will increase, they willing to pay as much for oil, and the price falls. 2. Oil reserves, including what is available in U.S. refineries and what is stored at the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. These reserves can be accessed very easily, and can add to the oil supply if prices get too high. Saudi Arabia also has a large reserve capacity. If it promises to tap those reserves, traders allow oil prices to fall. 3. Oil demand, particularly from the U.S. These estimates are provided monthly by the Energy Information Agency . Demand usually rises during the summer vacation driving season. To predict summer-time demand, forecasts for travel from AAA are used to determine potential gasoline use. During the winter, weather forecasts are used to determine potential home heating oil use.
Well I am gonna run my bike's and car's on nuclear fusion, I know it is available I seen a Delorean kitted out with it, now what was that documentary called .......... ah yes "Back to the future"
Well, the lower it goes the better as far as i'm concerened. Have you peeps noticed though that it's always the big supermarkets that drive the price down here in the UK. All the other fuel retailers, Shell, BP ect have to be dragged screaming and kicking before they drop there prices. Considering the supermarkets buy there fuel off of the likes of Shell and BP.........................i can never work out why there prices take so long to come down.
An early adopter, then? Good for you. Thank you for your sacrifice. Would you like remains cremated, or frozen?
If cremated I want a Viking burial If frozen then a cryogenic unit just in case in the future they can bring back the dead, which may be possible, another good documentary "Frankenstein"
Oil price and it's justification and black art is one thing, petrol prices and the spread sheet showing overall return on capital employed, gross margin, profit or whatever other means you like to show how much you make is another. We are being ripped off in percentage terms and the government earn more than they should too. Yes the money would intimately have to come from somewhere else, but petrol as a commodity is currently earning off the scale profits for the converters than it was when prices were higher, I would imagine
Sainsbury's signed a deal with BP so that BP supply all of Sainsbury's petrol so yeah makes you wonder don't it.