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Pets Corner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. My oldest is another story but I need to digest the news I had today.
  2. Kenny my oldest (8 next month) was having the same problem as scoo this week, couldn’t put his front paw on the ground and was really hobbling around, I thought it was more grass seeds but seems his arthritis is more aggressive than we first thought.

    We’ve been told no more balls (basically what he lives for) and reduced to 3 ten minute walks on the lead a day. No more long holiday walks :(
    They’ve said they can prescribe stronger pain killers but I’m just worried how quickly he’s going to go downhill now.
    What’s the general forum consensus ?
    Any first hand experience of this?
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  3. Sorry to hear this :( I feel his pain, there was I period of my life when I also lived for my balls....:astonished:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. FWIW and IMO .... it's not 'fixable', so just give him whatever treatment helps make him more comfortable (especially weight management) and adjust to a slower pace of life. Being an active/working breed, it might take a while, but he'll get there. My last Border Collie boy 'Glen', was full of activity until suddenly 'Cruciate'. He was 11 yo, so too old for surgery to be a safe option. He still had a very happy almost 4 years after that. Just at a slower pace than he'd been used to. You'll know when it's 'time' (usually through other stuff adding to his discomfort).........and then you have to be brave for him. Hopefully that's a long way in the future though.
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  5. I have no advice to give but just wanted to say I’m sorry you’ve had such horrible news.
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  6. Sorry for delay, just catching up on the thread and same as Zhed46 from me @Red899 - sorry to hear the news
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  7. Theyre now saying Kenny has elbow dysplasia and he may have a couple of tiny fractures.
    Unfortunately the bones she suspects are a bit like the scaphoid in that it wouldnt show up on an xray (kind of makes sense as i couldnt bend my hand back when i broke my scaphoid either).
    This means that instead of paying a grand for an xray i now need a referral and a 2 grand CT scan lol. And thats even before theyve started operating.
    Theyve upped him to "human" pain killers for 2 weeks to see where we are then. Only allowed walks for a wee and a poo while that takes its' course.
    Shit times.
    • Love You Love You x 2
  8. There could be an 899 up for sale soon lol.
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  9. My Kenny’s booked in to this place for Monday week.


    45 minute consultation then possible “hospitalisation”.

    Spoken to a couple of other people who’ve used them and said they’re very good.

    Fingers crossed.
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  10. Stuck in UK for a few more weeks. Got to say, we are really lucky with the very reasonable vet costs in France.
    Our hairy beast has had a couple of minor operations due to small injuries, not had our eyes taken out yet..even with an overnight stay.
    Currently enjoying walks in the NE.
    #3311 J biker, Jul 13, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
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  11. And :(.........:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I got a Frenchie called Leeloo


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  13. IMG_0867.jpeg Rented a dig field today so Oni and his ‘grand nephews’???? My lads two alongside…8m old and pushing the same size as the sprocker. He has a great time!
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  14. Juno went off to sleep this morning. She had a walk and her breakfast, stretched out for a kip in front of the settee as normal and just drifted off. We're in bits. IMG_0337.jpeg
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  15. Beautiful, so sorry for your loss.
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  16. @Rushjob My mate lost his Rottie in the same circumstances a week or so ago. Literally laid down next to him after her dinner and “went to sleep”. Sign of an extremely happy dog who’s had a wonderful life and you did that. Don’t forget that in your pain :heart:
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  17. Sorry to hear the news today, best wishes to you and family
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  18. I’m truly sorry for your loss. I have a spaniel myself so I can only imagine what you’re going though and I apologise for inadvertently adding to that pain.

    Emoji deleted and replaced with something more appropriate.
    #3320 Zhed46, Jul 20, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2024
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