I had a female with a web and was fine with it until I found her above the sink, so out the window she went. Three floors up. A few days later one scurries aside as I turn on the bog light. I presume another female and out the window again. I wonder if it's the same one though, which I find mildly creepy. Too determined by half. I was laying on the couch, on my side, watching the box with the lights off, down in Devon nearly 25 years ago. I glanced to the side and there was one of those males, on my shoulder. That close, in the TV flicker, it looked like the backdrop from Tarantula. As Richard Pryor put it: I almost shit on myself, man!
We have another in the garage. So big, that it makes a noise when running across the workbench! Its doing a good job with the wasps and horse flies though..
We don't get many spiders in the house, Lady Nasher has Conkers in the corners of a lot of rooms to discourage them. We do however have a lot of big stripy jobs in the garden. I still have the scar on my leg from one biting me @15yrs ago. It's what they've been feeding on before the bite introducing infection that's the problem. This one turned really nasty because of course I didn't clean it until I'd finished in the garden hours later. Lesson learnt.
Moo sits under my feet, but she's not shivering and hiding like she was with fireworks so think she's just more confused than scared of it
Kennys not bothered by a single thing i can spark my bike up in the living room right next to him and he wouldnt bat an eyelid. None of my dogs are bothered by the sound of bikes or loud cars when we're out either. Scooby barks at inanimate objects that arent where he expected them to be (a tree thats fallen down on one of our local footpaths for eg). Norma hates the sound of the emergency services. Any of them, she'll hear them coming a mile away and cries like a baby until they're gone. No idea why.
Wife woke me at 5am to say can you come and help me clean Roger up, he was covered in shit, obviously he’d done it in his sleep and not realised he was doing it. The joy of caring for elderly dogs and a bracing start to the day!
Obi does the inanimate objects thing. At the moment, it’s the bbq and anything like wheelbarrow, broom that’s in the garden he barks his bits off
Just received the news our surviving cat has lung cancer and has been released from his suffering That is two cats in three weeks. Life is a shit at the moment Andy