You're right up until your last sentence. The ones who weren't pissed of now might be. That's my point. Those that were already pissed off will use this as a recruiting tool to their campaign.
Its not always the media's fault though is it? Who let the cat out of the bag that the boys from the Hereford Gun Club were being sent to Nigeria.......? Because whether it is true or not, any British uniform or insignia spotted by the fundamenatlists just adds even more fuel to the fire..................... fact its seems to be a common issue that the Govt always seems to declare via the media what they are going to do and when, well in advance........hardly surprising the media reproduce it, unless of course it is disinformation, which so far it hasn't been.
People clearly do behave like that in the modern age Bus and Underground bombings, Twin towers, 200 plus girls kidnapped The Taliban posting beheadings on the net..... You mean its not acceptable for the west to behave like this and I agree! My point ways unless we stoop to their level and go the hog (which aint right) we have to be clean as fuck. Whilst you are clearly a very intelligent guy, that doesn't mean everyone serving over there is. A lot of people are born and bred soldiers and some would see telling tales and taking photos of their exploits as normal. I cant judge them for that, even though I think its causing shit, as they like you are out there not me
Not sure the RAF guy was doing anything distasteful... He'd probably just been in contact scenario, probaly his first, and just wasn't thinking straight a the time... This was nearly two years ago, so the real error, in the cold light of day, was not safe guarding or deleting the photo after the event...
Yes. The error was in taking the photo in the first place. I was here in September 2012, 3 weeks after the incident in question. It doesn't feel like a long time ago to me. It won't to the Afghans either. They still bang on about the battle of Maiwand which happened in 1880.
I agree, and if photos such as these did not exist then the media would have no option to publish them; but we live in the real world... so when images such as these are created, are circulated, then the media should act in a responsible way. This is not censorship, but more "common sense".
FFS lads its the RAF Regiment or as many know them The Short Range Desert Group. This isn't a war crime to them its a memorable date. The last time they were involved in a death it was when someone fell out of the NAAFI window. Before you start giving me shit I know they have their uses, as their Motto says 'The NAAFI wont guard itself'.
Fuck them. I'd do what Gen Gordon did and wrap em in pork and bury them. Fight religious idealism with religious idealism. Fight to win. Stop putting handcuffs on our soldiers. Let them do what we are too afraid to do, whilst we sit at home comfy. Ok. Its not moral. But neither is war. Quit worrying about the nuts and bolts, when the its the machine itself thats wrong.
Guys an idiot full stop. Charge him. Until you've been in the receiving end of the consequences that incidents like this can have, it can be very hard to appreciate. I was there in '12 when this happened, along with the WG from our location that were ambushed in a ANSF cp. To say things were tense between us and the people we were supposed to be helping in an understatement. It was a very tense time. Incidents like this not only add fuel to the insurgents fire, but also serve to alienate those within the ANSF who are swaying towards the insurgency. To us its a dead insurgent. Big deal. To them its a dead afghan that we've disrespected and they don't take it lightly. These things can simmer away below the surface for a very long time.
We'll never know if the taking and release of this photo has, or will, cause any incidents. The incident just before the photo was taken, was probably not only due to a similar happy snap appearing in the press... "I tell you what mohammed, I've just seen a photo in the british press; so now lets attack some Aircraft at camp Bastion..." "You are right my friend; if only they stopped taking photos and putting them in the press, we would lay down our arms and..." I feel that there is still too much over-reaction to this photo being taken. I think that it should not have been taken; but only because it is against military guidelines, if the guys want a happy snap, then let him. Not the thing that I'd put on my bog wall, but each to their own... The real crime was letting it fall into hands of the media, and then their subsequent action... The history books are full of photos of war; with many a dam sight worse than the one in question... A storm in a tea cup; which are the sentiments of my original post...
Film is better than pictures anyway. 2 Apaches Engage Taliban Platoon | Surely taking pictures cant piss them off anymore than releasing videos of them getting owned in large numbers.Those Apaches are awesome pieces of kit.
Comesunt you have no clue. Why don't you put you money where your mouth is and come over here and fight yourself? Some of us have been at it for years and have a damn sight more experience, knowledge and foresight than you do or the papers. I've seen first hand the consequences of things like this and I've heard the reasoning straight from the horses mouth. I speak their language. Your comment of 'we'll never know...' Has really frustrated me. I know. Abmatt knows. Anyone who has ever had the backbone to signup and fight knows. You do not. It wasn't your friends, son, brother or father being killed so why would it be a big deal that some dudes take some photos of some dead talibs. There is and has been for a long time, a massive lack of respect for, acknowledgement of and interest in the British Military. Americans soldiers are treated like heroes and British soldiers should feel grateful that Royal Wooton Bassett bows their heads to the funeral cortège? So they bloody should and so should we all. Those men who died or sacrificed a full and wholesome life should be valued for eternity and their names carved in to the public consciousness, their memory not spoiled by some sproggy little remf turd that can't do as he is bloody told.
I will just be glad when they bring the troops back from Afghanistan. Lions ordered by donkeys with apologies to the thousands killed in other conflicts. Cant help but be in awe of the IR shots from the helicopters, but have to remember that its not a computer game.....