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V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Quick question to those who have delivery of their V4PP... does it come with a normal lead acid battery or a lithium one?
  2. Normal.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Nice to see all the positive reports from the folk that have their bikes. I'm in the still waiting bracket. Order placed November, was told that delivery would be May, then maybe June and now August at the earliest! Have been told that some components for the wiring loom come from Ukraine? Brexit, Tanker stuck in "Suez canal, Covid, Ukraine. Now awaiting my first monkey pox drivel. Mind you, ordered a Schuberth helmet at the bike show. was told February and now been told that's August earliest too!
  4. Same here. There are some huge delays in delivery times elsewhere also. I’ve just had a call to let me know that my new car will be built this coming November and delivered in December. That’ll be a full year from ordering (if it actually arrives then).

    Still, with everything going on, I can’t get too worked up about it.
  5. I've potentially had some good news. Was scheduled to be end of Sept/beginning Oct and looks like I might be mid July due to people dropping out of the list. Not getting too excited though, been here before!
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  6. Just came back from a 2500 km tour around Europe with fully loaded bike (passenger, top case and side bags) . The motorcycle is just great. Smooth, comfortable and reliable...couldnt be happier with my choice :)
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  7. Looking forward to my trip in late august , not on the PP as had to let it go , but back on V4s and could not be happier, great bikes both and cannot wait to get back on the great roads in the mountains bring on tyre shredding
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  8. Just under 4 weeks to wait for our Italy trip, and I can’t wait! I’m trying not to think about it tbh!

    Edit - I’ve even done a trial fitting of the luggage, so I know it’ll do the job!

    31A45140-27E9-40AB-9EB6-7FD1FBEB9692.jpeg 482B6079-A84A-41BC-AB42-97019F80FB51.jpeg
    #1408 Multirider75, Jun 23, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
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  9. Glad to hear you enjoyed your tour, that's the kind of feedback I've been hoping to hear, my riding also includes plenty of 2 up touring. My PP arrives next week so plenty of time to get the 600 mile service in before our tour to Croatia in August.
    In the meantime I'm still waiting for the return of my 2018 1260 S having broken down in Spain last month, seems a bearing has failed in the engine at 50k miles and a month out of warranty :bucktooth:
    • WTF WTF x 1
  10. Why did you let the PP go?
  11. Long story , just wasn’t right , felt like it was pulling to the left and hated right handers , 4 weeks in the dealers with no results , same after the checks . Went back to the V4s as it’s as good and to be honest on the roads I ride better with the 19 front , less twitching at high speeds on rougher(uk roads) loved the look of the PP but found the V4s better bike for me and without the issues of the PP I had .To add I only ride for pleasure and ride hard so found any handling issues straight away. , also I had V4 s before the PP .
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  12. I had a V4s for 2 weeks for my IOM trip as my PP had not arrived. Hope I get on with the PP. To be fair the v4s was good but I am expecting better of the PP
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. I knew you swapped back but didn't know about the pulling to the left. That's a bit worrying. Not heard that from others so you think it was a manufacturing defects on your PP?
  14. The central bar mount ( even after the usual realese and re alignment) still was out of line with the clocks and tank , the Left hand panels when fitting the rad covers were 10 mm low and made fitting of the covers a mission to bar up the holes . The front into a right at speed felt like it was due to wash out and oscillated in the corner left was okay , if a bit lazy . On the edges of the tyres the wear was odd , left side normal but the right showed uneven and jagged pattern . Even fitted new tyres to it just in case . This all came to a head after the run in once I could push it hard , I almost crashed due to the issue , took it back at 1000 miles and left the keys with the dealer and caught the train home . Dealer was fantastic all the way through and supported me through it all .
    Replaced with a V4 s and never looked back , fantastic bike which has none of the issues , okay not as sexy but ………
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. Friday bike! :laughing:

    Joking aside, Dave and I spoke at great length before I took delivery of mine, as I was naturally concerned, so I raised my concerns with my dealer. They’d never heard of the issue on any bike, and were also concerned, but said that all the Pikes Peaks they’ve had have been as they should.

    Such a shame he had the issues he did, as he’s a nutter, and the PP suits his riding style more than the regular V4S! But with up to a year to wait for another, I’d have done the same.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. The PP was the dream but alas not the reality for me , I was offered a replacement PP but could not live with the fact it would have pushed someone down the queue and make their wait longer and as it turned out the wait would have been extended and that was not fair , the factory had a V4 s available with no queue jumping , so felt this was the way to go and and fair. Always another one once all calmed down with delivery etc. I am happy and looking forward to the next year with the new bike. New bike was a wednesday bike :punch::punch::)
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  17. glad you're happy mate. know we also spoke when you were having issues and i can confirm that 2k miles in, mine's been faultless. :upyeah:
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  18. Finally!

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