Pioneer Run - Sunday 2 October 2022

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Pete1950, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. you have much further to go Keith, I don't blame you. I fear for the competitors health as much as their machines this year if it still goes ahead.
  2. Me too, I am ducking out. Filiping:upyeah: too cold and not palatable for me.
  3. Good point. Some of the frailer elderly competitors may be risking pneumonia or hypothermia.
  4. not read this but why don't they move this to a summer ride out instead of winter:thinkingface:
  5. Brands was covered in snow by lunchtime. Not sure if it’s moving north or south, but with 2deg out there, better to leave the bikes in the garage :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Traffic. Managing these ancient machines in traffic is really difficult, and the heavier the traffic the more difficult and dangerous it gets. Early on a Sunday morning in March is just about the least traffic that could be found in daylight. In Summer Brighton gets choked with traffic, and riding veterans would be just about impossible.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Well I stayed at home in the end, as I suspect did everybody else. Snow overnight, freezing temperatures, snow and ice lying, more snow forecast today, bitter east winds, rail and air services being cancelled. No brainer really. What a pity.
  8. Surprised the run went ahead. (Did it?)
  9. yes, they started from Pease Pottage instead. @Torquepen went and followed to Brighton.
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  10. Pease Pottage to Brighton is only c. 20 miles straight down the A23, so less scope for hypothermia.
  11. The Pioneer Run for veterans takes place this year on 24 March 2019. It starts at Tattenham Corner, Epsom Downs at 8am and proceeds the 47 miles to the Madeira Drive, Brighton. There are no Ducatis in it, obviously, but there are hundreds of interesting old contraptions dating from 1896 onwards. Lots of spectators also turn out on classics and specials for the day.

    Like most years, I intend (health permitting) to ride down to the Chalet Café on the A281 a mile south of Cowfold, Sussex by 8.30 or so, getting a fry-up breakfast, and watching the bikes go past. Afterwards might go down to Brighton, especially if the weather is good. Or maybe take the A272 westwards to Loomies. The 2018 edition of the Pioneer Run was ruined by terrible weather - let's hope the 2019 effort is a big success.

    Who wants to be there?
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  12. The Pioneer is coming up this Sunday. I am hoping to get down to The Chalet on my Mike Hailwood Replica 900, all being well. Weather will probably be OK.
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  13. Planning on being at Chalet to see them come past - yes.
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  14. Hi,

    I have been invited to go to the pioneer run by a friend who is going with a group, he rides a triumph bobber, no idea what he's buddies ride, will I look like a knob on my Multistrada seeing as its a event for old bikes? I assume they follow the event, not take part as I read it was for pre 1915 bikes
  15. All sorts of bikes follow the ancients down. You just ride the route they take and go at the pace you decide - i.e. overtake them all! We will be watching from The Chalet cafe Henfield Rd, Horsham RH13 8DU, Henfield. Have fun.
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  16. You will be fine. Folk turn up as spectators on all kinds of bikes, from every era and of every size and make. Any Ducati will be more interesting than a lot of stuff.

    Correct, participants in the event are all pre-1915 bikes. People follow, spectate, and maybe help out entrants. I plan to be there on the Hailwood Replica - or failing that on my Multistrada.
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  17. where are you setting of from pete? and what time? if the weather is not to crap I may head down on the 749
  18. Julian W and I plan to set off from Blackheath* at 8 am, and arrive at the Chalet (60 miles away via M25/M23) about 9 am. Forecast is reasonably fine.

    * The Hall, Foxes Dale, Blackheath
  19. hmmm... blackheath is the wrong side of London for me... and 8 is very early!!! maybe I will see you at the Chalet ….
  20. See you there, Pete :upyeah::cool:
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