
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kev cornwall, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. If he's been bailed for 70-odd grand, I reckon he stands a very good chance of being acquitted.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Thanks ... I really reckon it will be classic OJ stylee
  3. my thoughts exactly.
  4. After reading about this case on the news, its seems like everybody involved has killing at least one person :eek:
  5. Seems like it's the done thing in the RSA :smile:
  6. At one stage P was saying he was feeling at threat as all that was happening in "next room" and he could not put his legs on. That is why he went for a gun, walked there and let it rip.

    Now is it just me or does anyone else also has a funny imagine of very small person wobbling about with a large double barrel? :)
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  7. It's just your sense of humour Luca :)
  8. 4000 farmers and 70,000 white africaans murdered since 1994 , genocide?
  9. im sure someone can rustle up the stats for how many black africans have been murdered during the white occupation. im not saying that any murder is justified, but white people shouldn't have invaded and plundered the country in the first place.
  10. i like to think of it, what goes around, comes around, seems to have turned on its head over there, wrong both ways indeed
  11. Naomi Klein's book, The Shock Doctrine, was very interesting about the whole South African thing. Seems that after the decades of apartheid, when the blacks appeared to retake control of their country (or at least share it with the whites), they were cunningly out-maneouvred and although they had power on paper, didn't actually have any at all. I can't go into the details (because I can't remember them) but the relevant chapter will be enlightening.

    If you have a huge amount of have nots in a society, and a small amount of have-everythings, you end up with an unsafe and unpleasant society.

    I'd love to go to South Africa. Not sure I especially want to live there, though.
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  12. Population control.?
  13. I blame the Normans meself, they set a bad example. Bloody invaders..
  14. Its a leak, is it true?! NOTW anyone?!

    If it was that clear she had her head caved in, what magistrate would have released him and why was i not part of the evidence used to suggest it was pre-meditated

    I did laugh when the African congress for women (or something like hat) came on radio stating this was another indictment to how crimes agains women are not treated appropriately or seriously. Think its more that a white famous guy shooting someone isn't taken seriously, nothing to do with violence against women. But it got them air time :rolleyes:
    #57 bradders, Feb 25, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  15. I am doing my best to reserve any judgement on this affair.

    All the facts have been presented 3rd hand and I can't see that a media witch-hunt is any substitute for a fair trial. On the basis of what is leaking out, then he looks bang to rights, but that is on the basis of what is leaking out - not on the whole facts of the case.

    However you want to look at it, the whole saga is sad, deeply sad and potentially sickening.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. too true..and the bloody Romans..
    What have the Romans ever done for us?
    #60 El Toro, Mar 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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