
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kev cornwall, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Unfortunately in Northern Ireland, several British Forces lads were taken to court for defending themselves, others and Queen & Country...............
  2. But Im not saying he IS guilty , Im saying I think he is guilty:)
  3. He is definitely guilty of shooting a door, but of which offence remains to be heard..........

  4. Careful there, you nearly expressed an opinion.....
  5. If the door shot back should it be hung ?
  6. Without seeing all of the evidence (which none of us have) it's impossible to reach a considered verdict.
  7. No reason why someone can't have an opinion though.
  8. Or even jump to a conclusion.................... that'd be a 1st :D
  9. Of course we knew OJ was innocent.

    We all saw it on the news.
  10. Apparently there has never been a single recorded case of corruption in South Africa either.....
  11. Why do people say that?

    Are the Scottish particularly good at evading justice?

    And don't you lot start on me again with all the OJ stuff I did bugger all
  12. I bet that's what Mr Simpson said ;)

    Anyway, Re. things being Scot Free, wiki.answers says:
    The expression is "scot-free", and it originates from Old English scotfreo "exempt from royal tax," from scot "royal tax," from Old Norse skot "contribution", and freo "exempt".
    More background at:
    Online Etymology Dictionary
  13. nothing to do with the scots being tight bastids then?
  14. generosity is relative
  15. If you've got some money I'm a relative "dad"
    • Like Like x 1

  16. Sugar dad?
  17. two please.
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