playstation 4

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phill, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. I am full of it right. Maybe stop readingthe hype and look at it properly.

    Spec's given on BF4 forum for playing on ultra setting BF4:

    i5 3Ghz,
    8GB of Ram
    ATI 7870 with preferably 3GB of video memory (2GB minimum but might not work depending on card manufactorer).

    My Setup:
    i5 at 4Ghz - More
    16GB of Ram - More
    Ati 6990 - older but so much more then 7870.

    To detail it:
    7870 - Clock 1000Mhz; 6990 - 830Mhz
    7870 - Memory 2400Mhz x2 (3GB V-Ram); 6990 - 2500Mhzx2 (Mine one has 4GB V-Ram)
    7870 - 2520 GFLOPS; 6990 - 5099 GFLOPS (So much more)
    7870 Pixel/Texture fill rate - 32000 MPixels/80000 Mtexels; 6990 - 32000 MPixels/159360 Mtexels (So much more)

    Those are specs for basic cards mine one is stock clocked at 900Mhz and I can OC it to 1100 no problem, memory by extra 400 as well with no problem. That is another 15% on my card with stock cooler.

    Sorry but all in all to run Max my card is about 40-50% faster then needed. Yep I defo cannot do it ....
  2. Got mine from Amazon yesterday, haven't had time to open the box yet :rolleyes:
  3. Lucozade it doesnt matter what you claim your specs are do they really run at that or are you believing the manufacturers (correct spelling) blurb? Your pc will be out of date in 6-12 months its a fact and it won't be able to play of any of the new released games at that time at full spec FACT! A console will play all the games that are made for it and wont be playing them at half of the games capability in 6 months time.You haven't addressed any of the other things I have said other than to quote a few figures which says it all really.

    Anyway back on topic I will get one but wont be until about middle of next year as im still happy enough playing on my trust PS3, it will give Sony time to iron out any unknown faults that may arrise with the machine and more than likely will be a bit cheaper once the initial rush to buy one fades.
  4. So another rubbish from you as said earlier I had this PC for 2.5y (it should have expired 18 months ago by your rule) now so that means in 6-12 months time I will have had it for 3 - 3.5y before need to start dropping details to play games and it will only be for some games.
    To stop that in 6 months time I will add another card for about 150 I guess (after x-mas release of HD 8xxx cards) so that will give me another 2y.
    What unknown faults was under impression that games are always compatible or do you not get the software upgrade is, as said earlier, nothing else then new-er, better, faster drivers. Just like on PC.
    Also stop picking on spelling it changes nothing or should I point out you got my nick wrong :p

    The PC in this form cost me about 500-550GBP as I had case, HDD's, Blu-Ray, Wifi Cards and more left over from older PC's and many I have cause I can, like triple channel HD TV card so I can record my TV while playing battlefield 4.
    PC can be more expensive but will then be more versatile.
  5. Lucozade you are becoming increasing boring let it go, you have posted similar on the Xbox 1 and spoiling that thread aswell, if your so happy with them then great for you. You are by your own admission continually upgrading your pc which is what I said all along because its outdated. Consoles are much better, dont need hardware updates and easier to use than pcs and that is the opinion of many hence why so many have sold worldwide otherwise nobody would bother and we would all be using a pc. Consoles now do many things as a pc can and will probably do as much as them in the future without the price tag as pc comes with.
  6. Stopped on that thread to keep to one.

    What price tag? You did notice that console games are between 5GBP and 15GBP more expensive over PC equivalent? Why is that, how come sony made losses on PS3 for 1st few years of production on each unit sold, 1st year it was 50% loss hence they very quickly removed PS2 chip from inside first units sold in USA? What kind off business model is that? How do you think they got their money back?
    They are cheaper to buy but you subsidise in other ways. BF4 on PS4 54GBP, BF4 on PC 39.99GBP Hm. 10 games per year and you are in average PC territory just by that time games got better looking, physics are much better, textures better, longer story lines so console is lagging behind badly by then. I suggest you google PhysiX videos on youtube to understand how much better PC games can look with an add-on of 32GBP NVIDIA PhysX Technology - Enabled vs. Disabled - YouTube

    New components cost money if they are ever to be able to do same things as average PC they will need better components so bigger cost, more software development so even bigger cost and soon you will be in average PC territory at the start but I doubt game prices will drop.
  7. Actually pricing is worse the that ....


    So to do the match 4 games is 100GBP Hm I would need to add 200GBP a year to price of PS4....


  8. the games are a rip off at the moment.
    hopefully they will settle down by a fiver at least lol.
    like im dreaming
  9. Due to production values they will never be 5er again :( Saying that not even GTA 5 is worth 50gbp initial release date. 35 is max price for game in my mind and 40-45 some kind of premium release.
    Reason they are cheaper on Pc is simple. If game is average or worse no one will buy it for 50 they will just download ignoring online part. Piracy made PC gaming market cautious not to release Crap. Fact that hacking Xbox get you banned from network while hacking ps3 is for geeks only they can charge what they want. Take it or buy the overpriced Pc and wait few months for game.
  10. Are PS4s available easily now then? I'm not desperate so won't pay ott eBay prices or anything equally soft!
  11. no not easy but google the latest as sony state 'substantial' quantities will be available before christmas, and not February as many sites are saying.

    came from top sony marketing executive allegedly
  12. Get off the computer and games console and spend some precious time with the kids!
  13. I will after I have climbed of your fat missus
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Didn't think you'd put the effort in to get up there in the first place.
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  15. dont worry mate. once was enough.
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  16. Not for her, she loves a good laugh.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. yeh she was splittin her sides - literally at the seams
    • Like Like x 1
  18. That's due to looking at your small cock.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. not what she said when it was wedged up the wrong un
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Ah, a closet gay, that'll explain the pink parts on your bike.
    • Like Like x 1
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