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Pleb Pleb Pleb......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. John Bercow was appointed Speaker towards the end of the last Labour government, it is the convention for the government to appoint someone from the opposite party, and was done as a poison chalice to the Conservatives against whom John Bercow holds a grudge, despite being a Conservative himself.

    He is politicising the role of the Speaker who should be scrupulously impartial.
  2. has he proved to be? certainly very entertaining
  3. Sorry but much of this is incorrect.

    First, the government never "appoints" the Speaker. Each Speaker is chosen by election, with all the MPs having one vote each. The government has no role in this.

    Second, it is not correct to say it is the convention for the government to appoint someone from the opposite party. Speakers can be from any party, but most often come from the party with the most seats at the time. John Bercow was an exception. The Speaker always resigns permanently from whatever party he previously belonged to, immediately after election.

    Third, Bercow was at one time on the right wing of the Conservative party, but his political odyssey gradually led him leftwards. He has traversed virtually the whole spectrum - this again is highly exceptional.
  4. He's a short-arse with a full-on case of short man syndrome and his Mrs is ghastly attention-seeking stick insect and a New-Labour Leftie.
    Bring back Betty Boothroyd.
  5. and to be commended.good guy.
  6. Some of the detail regarding his election may be incorrect Pete but the general thrust is accurate. The politicisation of the role of the Speaker by John Bercow has been widely reported alongside his personal dislike of David Cameron. He is very popular amongst the Labour benches.
  7. My understanding was that Labour supported Bercow's nomination hoping he would be a thorn on the side of the Tories in revenge for their hounding of the utterly useless, outrageously partisan and intellectually inadequate Micheal Martin, the former Labourite Speaker who preceded him. It all pure politicking. The usual childrens party games which make up the bulk of Parliamentary bun-fighting now the governance of our nation has been transferred to the EU.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. In that case, well, at least the adults are now in charge of running the UK. Long overdue.
  9. I see Cameroon was begging the EU again.
  10. Hardly. The EU Commission is not an august body of serious men of purpose, its where failed politicians go to continue their activities after their electorates have sacked them. Governance in perpetuity without election or accountability by Leon Brittan, Neil Kinnnock and Jean-Claude Juncker (when they can get him out of the wine cellar)? Some improvement.
    Better off with the kids. At least you can box their ears and send them to them to bed without any supper every five years.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. If you can promise me that we are allowed to box their ears ... I'll agree with you.

    Other than that, they all seem much of a muchness.
    Being useless and unelected, and impossible to remove from office ... is much the same as useless, elected and then replaced with the next lot of useless and elected. I see the distinction but where's the difference?
  12. Democracy.
  13. That's the distinction :)
  14. if it wasn't for your man i wouldn't give a you know what for Westminster.you need more like him. gives you a giggle when he speaks
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