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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. True. One poor bugger becomes the scape goat no doubt to save the many....

    But this is not the only instance of the Police lying and deliberately trying to deceive in recent years. Hillsborough??
  2. So surprise surprise a pc is fed to the wolves to satisfy the public whilst the heat on higher ranks, psd etc etc is dissipated . Typical , poor sod, just as I said earlier.
  3. Apart from the eight police officers that have been charged, five with gross misconduct - or did the TV news get that bit wrong ?
  4. I guess we have to accept that not all our Police are cape weilding superheros.

    This from Essex:

    ...The four reports, with names and other details redacted, date from October 2012 and reveal the following:

    • An officer was investigated over an allegation of rape. No criminal inquiry but possible disciplinary action could follow
    • An officer was interviewed on suspicion of perverting the course of justice and misconduct in public office for allegedly failing to carry out a proper rape investigation. The officer resigned
    • Possession of indecent images of children. No criminal action but misconduct probe ongoing
    • During arrest, one man's false teeth fell out and as he reached out to grab them an officer allegedly stamped on his hand, breaking at least one finger
    • Two PCs faced management action for "irregularity of evidence/perjury" and there were three cases of "improper disclosure of information", the reports show
    • Sending emails containing obscene images to colleagues
    • An officer was suspended after contacting, through Facebook, a woman he met on a call-out for a domestic dispute, using three different names, meeting her three times and sending "sexual" texts and a photograph. He was subsequently sacked
    • A man in custody was passed "fit for detention" on the condition a risk assessment was carried out on his release, but it was "overlooked" and the man was later found hanged.

    Mr Alston said the volume of cases was "broadly similar to that in other police


    I guess we have to accept that our Police forces are made up of normal people, who can cheat and lie. It's not surprising, but we should expect our Police to be ... better?

    Full story here: BBC News - Essex Police misconduct allegations revealed by PCC
  5. Nope, indeed 5 are facing gross misconduct, but I'm struggling to find out exactly why. Same for the other three facing advice (two of these are for inappropriate comments)
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