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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. I think you might be right. I know there was a ruling recently that said that the 'use of the vernacular' at work, ie swearing, was no longer a sacking offence.
  2. Re: swear words, not actually a change in the law, I think, rather a change in policy. It is no longer the policy for the police to arrest people simply for using swear words in public. This is a minor improvement in term of freedom of speech, but better than nothing.
  3. Tbf if he threatened the gut with his job, then he deserved what he gets....altho NOT being arrested. Howvere, nect time he needs protection, or some activist makes a beeline for him with an egg, I'd be stadning aside if I were a blue-boy and letting the fecker have it. Its a bit like the 'I pay your wages' brigade; essentially everyone paying tax is paying incl said coppers
  4. I can't manage a "pleb" rating ... I only go as high as "shitheels". :rolleyes:
  5. Confirmation from my mate in the Met, the law is still the same, but a judge ruled that the police should not arrest someone for swearing at them unless it caused them "distress", as he believed they should be immune to the abuse and rise above it!
  6. Public school speak for anyone who dosen't ride a Ducati:biggrin::wink:
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  7. Its not so much the single word as the explicit prior top it emphasising the point.

    However more often than not its not necessarily what hes done, more the aftermath of not admitting it,........then you get into the war of words and the typical political "i did not have sexual relations with that women" type of response.

    For example, he is saying " i did not use the combination of words they said i said" thats his denial! What he is not saying and more to the point avoiding, a) what he actually did say, and b) he is not categorically denying that he used the word Pleb.
    It politician speak!
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  8. I believe the full police transcript of the incident has now been published, and it seems he did use the words, that he denies using, therefore I think the hole he dug has just got an awful lot deeper! If he has used "pleb" in a derogatory way, then he has no choice but to resign his cabinet position and return to the back benches. Regardless of the tragic events in Manchester, the inquiry into Hillsborough, and the media campaign, his attitude, that seems to suggest he is above the police, is not one that I want someone in a position of power.
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  9. But the cop maybe a pleb in his opinion, or a dickhead in someone elses. It's a storm in a teacup really, let them sort it out Harry Hill TV burp style....... Not knowing either party personally, it is not for us to judge on the evidence given so far. Either the pair of em shut up, or put em up (in a court of course). It's become a scene from a Monty Python film......................... a right pair of wazzocks.
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  10. Mr Mitchell's parting words were "you haven’t heard the last of this"; at least he got that bit right.
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  11. Just to put a little perspective on the argument, the main gate in Downing Street is a vehicle activated security device through which pedestrians (and Cyclists) are prohibited from going through. The reason being, the instant the gate detetcts that the vehicle has passed the gate starts closing thereby leaving the entrance open for a minimum time possible.

    The rules and policy for the use of these things is usually laid down by the manufacturers and depends on the security rules at the site.

    Unfortunatately enforcing these rules policies falls to the (in this case) Police. On that note, isnt it ironic that the central london government buildings arnt surrounded with G4S Employees? I digress, Rulez is rulez and the bobby was ensuring the same was complied with.

    However, In this case it appears that the cretin who is the Govt Chief Whip, has not availed himself of the rules and was reminded of them at which he got arsey!

    To me by far the biggest issue is his arrogant, "looking down the nose attitude" at the officer stating "you dont run this govenment". He was probably bullied at Public school, what a Twat! . Unfortunately this idiot is an elected MP who apparently has also forgotten that he is there to serve the public.

    It fully highlights the hippocracy of MP's in general, "the police do an extremely good job in difficult conditions" in the next breath, Mr Mitchell denies that he said the words attributed to him and we need to get to the bottom of the matter" In other words the Police appear to be lying. Ironic that our Boris is backing the Police officers against his own Party members!

    Imagine what would have happened to the bobby had she gone off on one on Miller, she wouldn't be in the job now....IMHO he was lucky he didn't get locked up! therefore this arrogant Public School idiot needs to take his head out of his own self important arse, get a grip on reality, resign, and crawl back under the rock he crawled out of.

    Btw Plebs were an industrious and well organised people.

    There I think thats about 2p
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  12. I like it - "hippocracy" might mean "rule by the obese", or perhaps "rule by horses".
    Then again, you might have meant "hypocrisy" - sorry, my inner pedant is getting out again.
  13. I thought hippocracy was so funny I decided to let it go.

    Must have been deliberate - loud mouthed insincere behaviour by the overweight.
  14. surely being a cyclist, he probably isn't too overweight.

    Whatever, everyone, with the possible exception of the Queen and Prince Phil, is a pleb. It's all relative.

    Should this person, in his position used those words to someone who has an important but dull job? No. Would it have adversely affected the PCs life had she ignored the outburst and moved on? No. IMHO, they're both as bad as each other: him for being a knob and the PC for taking things as far as they've gone. I have no respect for either of them.
  15. Well said Jerry.The average copper on the beat probably gets far more abuse than this on a daily basis from some of the drunken louts in city centres and generally no action is taken against them.
  16. [​IMG]

    and so on..
  17. Well, yes but no.

    Being abused by the great unwashed is one thing. Having to hang around in the cold and wet half the time like some servant no one ever rings for and then being made to feel that you are something stuck to the shoe of the great minister - I can see how that would rankle. The position in itself, that of a faceless little copper having to while away the day while the great and good make important decisions indoors, would definitely get up my nose. I wouldn't need anyone to rub it in. And if they did, I suppose I might get arsey.
  18. Jerry, she probably would have ignored his use of the word "pleb" had she not been threatened re her job! She would have to report the incident to ensure a fair hearing should he have carried out the threat, so on that point I believe you're wrong.
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  19. And the wine, don't forget the wine...
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