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Polite Hi-viz

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Moses, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. What sort of cat feeding we on about here, this one?

  2. Im just too damn pretty....what do you mean that's not a mirror? :Bawling:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. TBH did wear hi viz if I was carrying one of my kids or marshalling on a ride out etc, but I still had other road users do exactly the same things as when I was not wearing hi viz. So I decided to not wear it anymore, and believe that every other road user was potentially a danger to me. I can't say I have noticed any difference whatsoever. The only high viz I ever seem to notice are the Fluro helmets! What I will add is since I changed bike to one with headlights that all my mate say they cannot fail to see in the day, drivers part like the red see when I am filtering in heavy traffic,bike is a new mutley with LED headlights, that works!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Good point re helmets, which or bright yellow seem very noticeable
  5. I'm currently painting the bike Hi-Viz yellow (so I can go much faster and still be seen);)
  6. ^ get away.. don't believe that one AL - why don't you paint a mural on each side fairing and then sell it as a piece of art?
  7. Loud pipes end of story
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  8. What on earth would make you want to buy and wear a Hi-Viz vest with POLITE on the back?

    IMHO the simple answer is that they are Police wannabe tossers.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I recently came up behind a polite hi viz wearer on BMW with Police like markings all over, he looked nearly like a copper,nearly had the riding position of police rider, and every other road user thought he was a copper ,but didn't didn't have the speed of thought on the road as a police rider, nor the skill sets because he was just a wanker, and it gave me great pleasure on overtaking him at 31 mph v his 27 mph while giving him the appropriate W hand signal and not look worried. I hope our paths cross again.
    • Like Like x 3
  10. I think the POLITE Hi Viz started out with the Horse riding brigade and I see them a lot here in the shires! Never seen a Police horse out here though.....
  11. There all in findus lasagne.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. They wear them in the mistaken belief it means they don't have to get out of the overtaking lane. They are wrong. They are utter fucking wankers.
    #32 figaro, Sep 10, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Are you sure,lol?
  14. They are wankers 2 fold first to dress like that and second cos they think the clothes and stripey flourescent bike are what makes people in cars avoid hitting them not training and a lot of experience and miles under the belt
  15. If they want to dress like that it's up to them. But if they want to dress like that and get in my way, they're gonna get hurt, no matter how friggin' polite they are:mad:
    • Like Like x 2
  16. I'm half French and partial to a nice medium rare horse burger!
  17. Which half?
  18. Tried Filet de Cheval à Cheval on the Côte d'Azur, would have it again.
  19. I had a bright yellow helmet which landed me up in Hospital......

    Turned out that I had a nasty case of Moby Dick!
  20. Should have used that new helmet cleaner from Muck off
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