Or, like almost every panicky story about EU Madness from the tabloids it's wildly inaccurate and at least 2 years out of date. Clean bill for efficient vacuum cleaners
Or 'fact' and 'in place'........ Can't have normal light bulbs anymore, but you can have economy light bulbs which contain mercury..... ......a substance banned from manufacturing and production.......... .......banned by the EU.
Because we've got a weak government that sees a supposed rise in Anti-EU feeling and comes out with poorly worded and ill considered efforts to appease the slavering masses of UKIP, which is why in the article you link to we see Ian Duncan Smith "refusing to be dictated to by Brussels" despite the reasonable stance of the counter arguments, for example: "One of the cases taken up by the commission as part of its legal challenge involves a woman who had lived in Italy for 18 years before coming to Britain to work for an Italian company. She then worked in the UK from April 2007 until April 2009 when she was made redundant."Throughout her employment in the UK, she paid taxes and national insurance contributions, yet her claim for income-based jobseekers' allowance was refused on the grounds that she did not have a right to reside in the UK," a commission document argues"
The important point about this story, omitted by the media as usual, is that millions of Brits travel to other member states to live and work there; and sometimes they fall ill, become unemployed or disabled, and thus claim (and get) benefits and healthcare there. Current UK government policy seems to be that people from the rest of the EU in the UK should be treated worse than Brits are treated while in other states. Is anyone surprised that other states want fair and equal treatment for all citizens in all states? And that they are not happy about the UK trying to get a free ride at everybody else's expense? The real story is about Ian Duncan Smith's political posturing and saying he will waste time and money trying to defend the indefensible at the European Court of Justice.
Vacuum cleaners (lot 17): Ecodesign & Energy label under discussion. Vote by Member States held in February 2013. hardly 2 years ago or wildly inaccurate
It seems an awful lot of brits forget this simple fact when they're whingeing about foreigners 'taking our jobs'. Go to almost any town in any country in Europe and you will find brits living and working there. This is what a union is all about, and this is what I want to see, a truly integrated society. Unfortunately the water in this utopia is always muddied by idiots hell-bent on imposing stupid or over-restrictive rules when they're neither needed nor wanted. That's the shit side of the EU.
true except that this is no longer a story or wildly inaccurate scare mongering and has now been voted on and the eu has imposed yet more unnecessary red tape to interfere with peoples daily lives
By fluke, I just spotted another daft EU Directive..........wheelie bins have a noise level limit..........Mine is rated at 89db. AL
Because EU migrant workers are not currently allowed to claim benefit the moment they get here. I'd does also prove those who tiresomely bang on about the subject simply do not know what they are talking about.
The above is correct but only half the story. The benefits are not standardised across all member states and some states are seeing far higher numbers of migrants taking up the benefits. This is why some people in the more affluent and socially generous countries are unhappy. If only the EU could get its act together and standardise the currency, welfare payments, population density, working hours, productivity, hours of sunshine, hoover power etc etc we would all be happy wouldn't we ?