Chris, with respect, this thread had been going since November and had not raised its head for ages, then some fecking baby comes on and bitches like a teenager about something none of us know, decides to leave and we're all expected to bow down and lend a sympathetic ear??
we are all built differently Wayne, I thought it was a bit harsh myself. I can remember seeing Forums winding up before solely down to constant similar treatment of new members.
Firstly, 4 pages of unease and I wasn't even involved, I'm slipping and secondly How can El have been banned, it's his forum innit?
Right................You've done it all again. Well done children. 1. Paul isn't banned. I have no idea why he's not posted recently. I have PM'd him to ask if he's OK and to date I've not had a reply. However he was last on the forum yesterday at 11.49am. 2. A relative newbie comes on and you immediately take the piss. Why? Don't you want the forum to grow and flourish with new input? Or do you all want it to go the way of all the others that have disappeared over the years? 3. Exige/ seriously cant see what upset him? How about you mocking his lifestyle/tastes. And yes some people are more sensitive than others. 4. I know it's mid-winter silly season but seriously pack it in. I am fed up with having to deal with children sniping at each other. It's not "banter" it's pathetic and idiotic. If you are unclear as to what is acceptable behaviour and what isn't then I suggest you read this - - So stop it and stop it right now or go away. 5. Thread closed. Now go and play nicely otherwise I will have to take action against those that constantly upset the apple cart. You have been warned.