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Portuguese Motorway Tolls

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Actually, Lightning (if I may use the second person), I substantially agree with your complaints and with your proposals. You have made a whole series of very convincing points. But if I may say so, it does not help when tackling a complex and tricky matter to describe it as easy, nor does it help to label those you want to undertake a difficult task as idiots.

    May I ask another question? Do you think cabotage should be banned, permitted with limitations, or unlimited?
    #41 Pete1950, Sep 9, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2013
  2. Cabotage is a very thorny question.
    The Englishman in me says it should be banned,because I know that UK hauliers have higher costs than many other EU countries,a(fuel/wages/Insurance etc),and do not enjoy the subsidies that other EU Governments pay to support their haulage industry,(Rebates for fitting particulate traps/being an early adopter for new technologies,i.e,Germany/Denmark etc.).Higher costs = higher haulage prices.
    The European in me says that if this ever to be a genuine Economic Union or Common Market,(which is what I voted for),then Customers should be free to choose the haulier they want,regardless of Nationality,and regardless of where the load is coming from or going to.But this will only happen fairly if there was harmonisation as described in an earlier post.
    I can afford to look at both sides of the argument because in my sector of the Industry it is not currently an issue.
    If I was trying to run general haulage or groupage internationally,it would be a big problem. UK Trucking Ltd can't afford to carry out cabotage in Eastern Europe as the rates are too low,and UK PLC likes Eastern Europeans as their rates are so low.
    I note your comment about UK hauliers buying fuel abroad? You can only do that if you are trucking abroad,and there are very few UK trucks on mainland EU roads because of the low rates offered,(see previous paragraph for the reason)
    As I said,thorny question
  3. Filled my hire car up this morning and it cost me 52.5 euro to take a Citroen C3 from just under half full to full.

    Unleaded cost 1.67 euro a litre - Jesus, that's as much as moonshine in some places...
  4. My view is that cabotage is a desirable thing in principle, but should represent the end-point of a multi-stage process. The harmonisation of various aspects of the haulage regime across member states should proceed by stages, culminating in unrestricted cabotage. It is wrong and unfair for cabotage to be introduced before there is a level playing field.
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