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Post your Trackday pictures here

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Rob, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. I think I was the first to pass you... I could see your indecision about going past, so made the decision for us! Found it on the camera… around 31-32mph, so most likely calibration!…

    I saw you in some later sessions and you were hustling that thing along. It just didn't quite have the straightline speed of the Panigales.
    #3141 Jolley, Sep 23, 2024 at 8:42 AM
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024 at 8:54 AM
  2. Snetterton last month was absolutely terrifying in Inters! And I say that as someone who was probably fair comfortably one of the faster riders in the group.

    I could catch a lot of riders, but any time I was even slightly respectful towards an overtake I’d have someone fly underneath me and try to wipe me out literally at the apex, mostly BEMSEE racers tbh!!!

    I’ve never had my arm literally bashed into so much on track in my life, that’s how close the passing was!

    I was doing plenty of passing but finding space to do it. I was also on my road bike so when I passed captain racer he inevitably took it badly and like I was calling him less of a man, it was brutal.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. You should know Ron, you were behind me at the time :bucktooth: :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. :joy: Yes, sorry. I’m terrible for knowing who is who on track! I found the clip and put it in the post above.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Yeah, that was me. I was probably being too polite, but followed you through anyway
    That streetfighter's a good bike, just a bit cumbersome and lacks in feel, which didn't seem to improve when I fitted some scrub slicks after lunch
    It's definitely not fast in my hands though, and my best lap of the day was a 1:42 which is 7 seconds slower than I've done on my R1. My 17year old son went out for a session on it later in the day and did a 38 though, so it's perhaps just my old age :)
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  6. 1m42 is far from slow. That’s all I managed on Thursday on my Panigale!
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  7. DAFE304A-E4A2-43F5-BBB2-7A9040791D5C.jpeg 461035BA-86A2-42AB-BB3A-CD186D12B907.jpeg 35A22DF5-E47D-4258-86AC-22625187CC4A.jpeg
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    • Love You Love You x 1
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