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1260 Pp Total Loss

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by grippy, May 11, 2019.

  1. We're we live just outside Leicester every Sunday there's a group of about 40 lives clad twats that insist in riding in block holding up the following traffic giving no thought to the disruption there causing .
    The police seem to ignore this rolling road block
    They really piss me off
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Sorry to hear this, I know some on here argue that not all cyclists are assholes - but by the amount that I see on the road that are, maybe it's just ones who have motorbikes that aren't. Did you think of that? No - so stop defending the pricks :)
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. When I posted it wasn’t a rant about cyclist.
    Just to put things in perspective, my accident was witnessed by a cyclist who came forward & told the police it was in no way my fault, I was also triaged at the scene by a surgeon who was also a cyclist clad in Lycra , so let’s not be to quick to criticise, unfortunately we live in a society that generally doesn’t give a shit about anyone other than themselves, I’m normally at the front of the queue to have a bitch about cyclist but on this occasion I think they both should be praised for there action & I will always be grateful that the surgeon was out for a ride on the morning of my accident.
    #23 grippy, May 12, 2019
    Last edited: May 12, 2019
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  4. Literally just had my own bit of road rage a few minutes ago....fitted new tyres, went round the block as it were to get a feel for them....those of you who live in Bristol will know where i am. Heading on the Bath Road into the centre and approaching the 3 lamps junction. So, theres 2 lanes and a cycle track. Fucking old cunt right in the middle of the road holding all the traffic up in such a position that no one could get past so i slowed up flipped my visor up and shouted "THERES A FUCKING CYCLE TRACK RIGHT THERE! (gesturing to my left)" he looked at me and pointed to the road in front of him....asshole.

    Just to put this into perpective i used to be a cyclist myself. Im 50 now but i can more than handle myself of any bike after most of my teenage life spent in skate parks on most things with wheels. Can quite happily bunny hop up kerbs without having to slow down etc etc...my ethos has and always will be riding a push bike, to "fit within the traffic" if im on a busy road and no ones on the pavement, ill use the pavement for example. Ill ride with a view to "getting off the road" as it were as long as i can safely, to that end i can get where i need to and very quickly and also not upset the flow of the traffic. The current trend for cyclists in my opinion is "ive as much right to be here as the next person and im going to ram that down your throat" and its that kind of behaviour that means that accidents/collisions will be inevitable...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Well said, everyone here just bashing cyclists without even knowing what happened. Cyclists are no worse or better than other road users, including motorcyclists
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
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  6. We've currently got an annual cycle race through our village. Just popped out with the missus and got a wing mirror clipping... From a peleton of about 20, coming round a corner with about 4 or 5 riders around the outside in our lane.

    Organisers will be hearing from me but what the hell can I do :rolleyes:
  7. Id disagree. The percentage of "asshole drivers" to "asshole cyclists" is considerably less....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. :astonished: Whatever the rights and wrongs about this situation and clearly this particular cyclist will with luck, get what he deserves, the most important thing about this entire matter, is that you survived the incident and with time and care, will get back onto a bike and return back to where you were. Your injuries are severe yes, but all with a strong opportunity for you to achieve a full recovery.

    Any right minded person, which it seems highly likely the offending cyclist doesn't match, would find it pretty difficult to reflect rationally about the accident they have caused, especially if it had ended-up much worse than it did, which is undoubtedly bad enough already, for you and yours.

    Take care and your time with enabling a return to health and fitness. DON'T rush to get back on a bike, but give yourself space and mindfulness.
    Really glad you are relatively speaking, reasonably OK. Keep recovering!!:upyeah:
  9. I can say from experience and the advice i was given....its all in the physio....put your effort into that and thatll give you the best chance...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I’ve had some therapy today but not physio, I bought a replacement PP & put my name down for the V4 multi due in two years, I might not be able to ride for a few months, there is no harm in being prepared,
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  11. You fucking beauty....attaboy - thats some good therapy right there!
  12. A lot of car drivers could actually walk where they're going. Instead, the fat fuckers jump in their car. More power to cyclists. At least theyre not spewing out fumes. They dont get in my way as i look out for them. Esp where i live in surrey. Lots of em round here. Blokes trying to get fit and enjoying their hobby.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Awful luck mate. Wrong time wrong place, shit happens. Hope you get well soon :upyeah:

    The 'foaming at the mouth' anti cyclist brigade won't help. Get over yourselves.
  14. Really don't care if anyone dislikes what I've said the fact is if you caused an accident went through red lights obstructed the traffic and generally ignored the traffic laws you would be prosecuted
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. If it's a British Cycling race then it's fully insured, speak to the organiser and he'll give you the details of BC to claim from. What is the area and date of the race?

    If it's organised by TLI or LVRC then good luck.
    • Useful Useful x 3
  16. No damage, just the cheek of it. Might host a motorcycle race. The Ashdown Forest TT... Don't worry about traffic lads, just use the whole road like you own it.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Sorry to hear your bad news with the crash and injuries, though not a cyclist's fault, I came off my Monster 1200 Stripe four weeks ago which has also been deemed a total loss thanks to a brain dead driver pulling into a roundabout in front of me. I feel your loss, and a touch of your pain through a fractured clavicle.
    May try some of your therapy and look into ordering up something red in replacement.
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  18. Thats taking "Be Prepared" to Chief Scout levels :D

    Good lad, i did the same after a crash last year that wasnt my fault and went straight out and bought another Multi but couldnt ride it......it took 9 months of looking at the bike but finally back riding again as you will be soon :upyeah:
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