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PPI Reclaim - Some Good News

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Fitzjnr, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Was listening to a sorry about PPI on radio 4. This guy handed over £23k to a PPI company. TWENTY THREE FUCKING GRAND! ok his claim was £70k but still
    Daft cunt
  2. A couple of people from work have got money back from PPI reclaims recently.

    I told them I don't have any credit cards, loans or HP, so I wouldn't get anything back. Anyhoo, after weeks of them advising me to submit a claim, I succumbed and posted some paperwork into a claims company.

    As I expected, I'm owed nothing :cool: But like it's already been mentioned, if I had, it would have been my money anyway.

    I'm astounded by the ammount some people are saying they are getting back. I know they are also receiving interest on the money, but how much have they borrowed over the years for god's sake. :Wideyed:
  3. In most cases PPI was higher than the interest on a loan. There's plenty of people who borrowed say £30000 for a car before the recession. Over 5 years the PPI could have been thousands of pounds
  4. Don't hang around, the banks have tried once to close the door, but got kicked in the goolies. Doesn't mean that they won't try again.
    For a bit of your time, you'll find out one way or another, and if necc. have time to persevere if justified. There's nothing on tele sunday nights, sit down and work through it, post Monday. Geddon with it!!
  5. I can't claim any PPI back, because I never took out PPI in the first place. Whatever personal loans, credit cards or mortgages I have had (and I've had plenty), I always chose the no-PPI option because it was always bleedin' obvious that the PPI was a useless rip-off.

    It does not surprise me in the least that banks etc have tried to sell people stuff they don't need over the years - I have always taken it for granted, and most businesses do just that. What has always surprised me slightly is that customers have been naïve and foolish enough to fall for it. And what really astonishes me is that those customers are now allowed to get their money back!

    Usually when customers buy rubbish which they don't really need and which is no use to them (lots of examples spring to mind), they do not get their money back 20 years later.
  6. Oh Gawd.......Pete's in one of those moods again.
  7. will do. had it on my credit card for years, also 6years ago took out a loan for double glazing the house with R.B.S. 3 times during the interview i told them i didnt want ppi but still ended up paying it for10 months. when i went in to query the extra payment, i was told it was interest payments and was i not aware that you had to pay interest on the interest. BIG mistake.;), eventually they handed me a document with my signature on it requesting ppi. a form i remember being asked to sign in a hurry as they would manage to complete the loan straight away. scum. my mistake tho and Ben i know where you live.
  8. I've never paid PPI because I've always know about it and rejected it despite the endless attempts by finance companies to make me believe I needed it. I have always been of the opinion that I shouldn't have to pay to insure the banks money. They charge me interest for borrowing money and the higher risk they consider me the more interest I pay.
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  9. I checked as a girl who works for me just got £6000 back, I've never had a policy, it is worth checking though.
  10. Yeah just wait until you get the bill from Gladstone, they take a third of what you get back the robbing buggers for doing not much at all.

    The RBS are supposed to be the worst at getting your PPI money back. I managed to get a few thousand back a couple of years ago I just used the blank letter you can downlaod from the money saving expert. Costs you nothing except a little bit of your time. I just sent letters to every credit card I ever had and bank I used.
  11. I'm aware how much they charge...25% plus vat.

    Like I said in my post, I was 100% sure that I had never been sold PPI but just out of curiosity I thought i would get it checked.

    I got £9000 back in 2007 over that endownment business. I had to pay £2500 to a similar company.

    The thing is that I'm no pencil scratcher........ I'm just a hairy arsed builder !:)
  12. I had four ppi policies, despite only ever having taken out two (both of which were cancelled in short order). Turns out that at some point in the past the bank sent one of those 'updates to terms and conditions' leaflets which had an auto opt in for ppi hidden in the small print. The ppi premium was then bundled in with the interest charges, so it was impossible to differentiate ppi from interest. No wonder my credit card ended up at 24.9% apr.

    Just because you don't believe you have ever taken out ppi doesn't mean it's not been added without you being aware of it. The whole point of this is not so much ppi itself, but the way it's been mis-sold or added without customer consent or knowledge.
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  13. listening to that r4 program it mention that a lot of the people selling the ppi are now in the business of reclaiming it for you. clever bas......
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  14. Stop farting about, and get your homework done, laddy. I want to hear you've sent your ppi documents off in the post first thing tomorrow.
  15. done. :upyeah:

  16. Good man, could well be time well spent. If not,. well at least you've confirmed the position one way or another.

    Whats next on your 'to do' list that i can nag/coach you to do!!!

  17. I'm like Pete. I never took out PPI coz it was so obviously a rip off. Plus i took out few loans. I pay cash. I save up.
  18. it wont take much coaching on how to spend it. hmm what needs doing? will work on that a while. cheers. :)
  19. i never take out ppi on loans. i was screwed.
  20. coke and hookers - cash only of course!!
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