PayPal protection is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. I lost £550 last year having bought something on a credit card via PayPal. The company went in to voluntary liquidation before goods sent but after the limited period when PP may have done something. No protection from the credit card as it went through a third party i.e. PP, as in the link above. If I'd paid direct with the credit card I'd probably have got it all back, instead I am at the bottom of a long list of creditors and may get a few pence in the pound. Lesson learnt, I still use PP but only for low value purchases, anything three figures or greater goes directly on to the credit card. Further investigation revealed it's not the first time the director of the company involved has gone in to voluntary liquidation to walk away from debts, tosser.
My own car was on ebay once, with this same scam, i rang the guy, he tried pretty hard to sell it to me, i explained i wanted the car, but didnt see why i should pay for it twice. further more he was selling it far too cheap, and told him so.
Bought something years ago off eBay, item arrived, it was described as used so I should have known it was completely f...ed, it was not useable. So eBay says, post it back, now this was to the states, so I did, never got a refund. Talk about feeling like a complete dick for getting ripped off. There are millions, OK might be an exaggeration, of similar experiences. Another time on fleabay, I bought a backpack from someone, no idea how they got one, they were just issued so hadn't made the surplus market, bloody good pack and expensive. Anyway, agreed a price, sent my money. I got a message to say they got pulled over by a trooper or something like that, impounded their truck, but it was ok, they were able to get my pack out of the back of the truck. This person was really pissed that they lost their truck, but I did get my pack. I did feel a bit guilty. I thanked them and said sorry about their truck, they asked for a post card from N Ireland, so I obliged. No idea if they ever got it.
ok, heres one on ebay. 1199 for 6300. The guys just joined ebay to scam. The bike sold in august for 12000, not to him. Let the piss takes ensue, ive just offered 56p for it DUCATI 1199S PANIGALE WITH TERMIGNONI FULL SYSTEM | eBay and the original sale DUCATI 1199S PANIGALE WITH TERMIGNONI FULL SYSTEM & £££ OF EXTRAS | eBay
Yeh, the bins are usually full of OEM parts in readiness for aftermarket, or just for the shit that fell off the bike and you've no idea were it goes.