Pumpkin anyone???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. Goddamn you, nobody noticed til you did! I got doubt in my mind as to whether it was a deliberate cock or not and had to physically drag myself away from the pumpkin porn??!
  2. nice try uncle jimmy
  3. this is pure and utter class in every way imaginable...PLEASE tell me that this is the fruit of your labours....

    i bow to the master.
  4. Omg lol the kids and I are laughing our pumpkins off we love your pumpkin
  5. liking that MrFour
    and NO the cock pumpkin is doing the rounds with the kiddies round Southampton

    and that sounds even more wrong
  6. Pumpkin pics, and the mother in law shows the kids what not to do.

    Pumpkin A.jpg

    Pumpkin Vomit.jpg

    Drink & Fly.jpg
  7. saw this on FB
  8. No comment.....

    but I hope I don't ever find one with teeth! :eek:
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  9. Some brilliant pieces of work out there, well done folks, I will be referring back here next year as the visits to dr google were nowhere near as creative when I was helping my youngest design his pumpkin.

    Not long in from work, so missed all the knocks at the door, thankfully, as I have no treats for the little uns (jokes about Savile, et al avoided).

  10. im on my way, ill bring the pumpkin....
  11. Pumpkin ... anyone else think that word is somehow related to incest?

    I'll get me coat.
  12. Lol 470four beat me to it with that one!
  13. Better late than never!


  14. If the topic is still Hallowe’en -
    Why do kids in face-paint black and green
    Extort on your premises
    Candy with menaces
    And threats of reprisals obscene?
  15. Because they've seen the stupid Americans doing it........
    • Like Like x 1
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