Quantum Physics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. you may be right.. i got 9 outta 14 on a grama .....thingy......
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I think a lot are brought up in the eyes of their parents etc etc, but they get older and think for themselves. Some except it and some don't.
  3. Exactly, which is why it has diminished over the past century or two with the increase in scientific knowledge :)
  4. I'm in the lead :) you are second though!
  5. We may live in what appears to us a three dimensional world of x,y and z but the universe is (at least) four dimensional with the inclusion of time to create space time as described in Special Relativity.

    Inflation refers to a theory defining a unique phase shortly after the big bang where the universe rapidly expanded, at greater than the speed of light, and during which some of the texture we see in the universe today developed. It neatly solved some of the problems that existed at the time it was introduced but is not wholly accepted as being correct.

    Sorry to be pedantic :Angelic:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. ;)
    Until someone cheats ;)
  7. no disrespect intended but youi lost me at "It
  8. Pedantic? Just do the quiz then we will see ;)
  9. so unless you can (said I wouldn't repeat myself) irrefutably demonstrate to me how mankind began and I don't mean by referring me to mountains of written works or getting me to look through a telescope ( growing an ear on a mouse doesn't count either) it is only your faith that leads you to your beliefs Peter and although not new to me of course I accept your explanation of projected theories (notice I didn't say facts) regarding our evolution versus those bible things. I fully realise that I am asking the impossible from you but only this will make me change my stubborn ways. On a related note - what are your thoughts on the whole year indexing system, i.e. - A.D. and B.C. how did that mistake come about then? would love to hear your theories from the fence (perfectly happy here) : )
  10. AirConTechnical Post No 7 (where is the hash symbol on an Apple keyboard ?)

    I wonder how long it will be before someone mentions Hitler ?

    Doh !
  11. 2/12... but hands up i cheated....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Post 135...
  13. are the Scottish allowed in the smug thread?
  14. 8/12. But some of the questions are rubbish - whoever set the quiz is no physicist.
  15. You're back :Wideyed:

    I knew you would be :)
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