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Question For All You Road Cyclists Out There....................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. Absolutely agree. I’ve never heard anything so daft.
  2. If I am out cycling with mini and Mrs Ex when they are over I make sure they are safe and in single file. If on a narrow country road and we hear a car coming we get off the road...
  3. I can look similar to that for fee and recreational drugs.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. perhaps they should be compelled to do certain things, given, as you say, common sense sometimes does not prevail. be great if each motorist could make up their own mind as to what they feel safe doing...
    some roads aren't great for motorbikes but i wouldnt take to the footpath cause its a little smoother... (ok, i have actually done that but LARGE parts of the road were missing!)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Let’s say then conservatively (sorry labour peeps) a cycle is 6 foot long(yes I know as a cyclist I should be using metric) 6 cyclist close in single file close up will be 42 foot that’s a long overtake bud no 2 abreast and you overtaking giving them plenty of space as you should is now 21 foot. You truly believe the single file is easier to pass safely both for you, the cyclist or any on coming vehicle?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Yeah but the roads missing part was in NZ bud......we’ve great roads here.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. You truly think 6 cycles singled out isn’t much longer than 6 2 abreast?
  8. Deffo, you know you're wrong but just won't admit it :bucktooth:
  9. What you jump into a field, country lanes round here don’t have footpaths. I think you and yours would be better walking than cycling if that’s your chosen course of action.
  10. From experience I’m know I’m right, afraid as ever we’ll just agree to dis-agree.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. yes... come on dude.. on most roads or at least many, you can safely pass cyclists riding single file, barely crossing into the opposite lane weather there is one or 40 it makes no odds. ride two abreast and its now a fuck load more dangerous for all concerned... im not coming at this from a cyclist hater point of view, its just the reality..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Hey, I can nose wheelie a push bike for 20 yards :mad:

    There is a verge on all country lanes - and we are still alive, unlike some idiots that block the road 3 abreast on blind bends. I could beat you in a race too, get on you push rod and I'll annihilate you...

    ...I might be on my Ducati though :eyes:
  13. I’ll leave this thread as your pre-conceived ideas on the best course of action for cyclists is as ever nonsense. Remember Nicky Hayden RIP.
  14. Wrong :yum
  15. i think we all have experience on this subject dude... and how does nicky hayden's tragic death pertain to what we are talking about?
    not trying to be argumentative but he wouldnt have died if he was riding 2 or 3 abreast?
  16. There in lies the problem you are supposed to give a cyclist a minimum of 1.5 metres when overtaking most motorcycles, car drivers and truck won’t and don’t. I’ve had car mirrors scape my elbow that’s how close car driver do get to you which is why when bunched cyclists will ride 2 abreast. As an aside it’s not law that you can’t ride 3 abreast, if I saw that even I ‘d be outraged. Generally if it’s a club and a very large group roll up they’ll split into smaller groups, they’ll put a fast group and a slow group.
  17. Judging by the replies on here not enough.
    I only bought Nicky Hayden into this to calm down the tribalism within this conversation.
  18. Can I choose the course?
  19. About 20’?
  20. as i said, im not a cyclist hater.. i do bitch and moan about them and their behavior as i, like pretty much every other road user, including other cyclists! see a lot of em just being cunts... i agree about cars and bikes passing too close but this also happens when riding 2 abreast on a narrow road, where the car driver can see miles of clear road in front yet still has to squeeze past because these road hogs refuse to give way to a faster vehicle.... how about this, cyclist ride single file, 50 meters apart so cars ect can pass and pull in safely.. it you want to ride 2 or 3 abreast or are racing and dont want the distancing, how about its taken to a closed road or a circuit like all other dangerous sports have to do?
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