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Question For All You Road Cyclists Out There....................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. sorry if that came out all sooty or 49er!!! im really not angry about this!!! lol.. i just want safety and fun for everyone!
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  2. On narrow country lanes they should be overlapping their front wheel to the rear of the cycle in front to present a narrower profile. The 50 metres apart won’t work, you lot would be real raging a 10 cyclist 50 metres apart. The rest is unworkable, there are closed circuit races. 2 abreast is perfectly legal as is 3 abreast although 3’s lunacy TBH.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. All sooty lol, I understand your position bud it’s just needs work. :)
  4. Yes if it’s road as discussed :) I haven’t got a crosser :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Just as an aside when I used to go on a club ride a lot of the not so good riders hated the inside position as your basically at the mercy of the cyclist on the outside. What small petty pleasure to see how close to the other rider you could get before they’d get panicked. :)
  6. So on a country road, blind bends, double white lines, road only 3 or 4 metres wide. You expect 1.5 metres wide of 2 abreast cyclists, and think your entitled to hold traffic up for hundreds of yards in these situations, cause that’s what all your compatriots do :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. dont pick london roads.. you are probably faster walking than on a motorcycle round here. (largely due to the amount of push bikes and them having priority at the front at lights.. there's a good idea, put a full width bay at the front for the slowest moving vehicles)
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Sooty749er :joy:
  9. yet when i try to panic em in the van, im the bad guy?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Yes you are, I know if he goes down I go down, your van weighs a minimum of a ton he goes down you’re sat in a cage most likely he’s dead or seriously injured. Remember I ride with friends you’re driving against your enemies.
  11. its not unworkable and most car drivers would be happy to sse cyclist single file and spread out . you know this but are just digging your heels in, a stubborn ,died in the wool cyclist.. we were taught this was safest 40 years ago and it still applies now!!! lol... im going to bed.. did i mention i was out on a push bike today? fucken great fun runnig red lights and carving up pedestrians!
    • Funny Funny x 1

  12. It’s unworkable, there’s not a cycle lesson taught that says groups ride in single file.
    motorcyclist car drivers truck drivers are never happy bud
    You’re a scourge on London village. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Cycling's good for you! It'll get you fit and make you look gorgeous like me :)

    Now get out there and exercise you grumpy auld flabby bastards :laughing:
  14. I had to do an emergency trip to B&Q as the main fuses blow in the house on Saturday and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw 4 bellends riding together side-by-side holding the traffic up, I do hope they got arrested and charged absolutely brain-dead morons.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Nothing in this thread has changed my mind.

    Under normal circumstances I have to deal with them on a daily basis both travelling for work and around the country lanes at home over the weekend.

    If I get a look in to take over from Boris I'll ban them all from the roads.

    The bikes themselves are interesting pieces of engineering. it's the Tossers that ride them that upset me.
    I expect most of them have a company BMW or Audi on the drive at home - same attitude.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I ride on my own but have availed my self of the law. I also mostly ride in Richmond Park so as not to be pissing off traffic

    3 abreast is verboten. 2 abreast is allowed under certain circumstances which relate to traffics flow and safety as you would expect. most of them don’t know what they are doing and are a total pain in the arse.

    That’s in normal times - then you have the social distancing to consider.
    I always think if they can chat and cycle at the same time they are not trying hard enough
  17. But your working with a sausage:worried:,might suit some on here but not me....pass.:worried:
  18. Difference is on many roads you can shoot by a longer train without crossing much into the other lane. Two abreast and you have to take up the whole road.

    and 6’ is just nonsense. A metre is enough, as long as you have a quick check to make sure there are no grates or big manholes coming up.
  19. Haha !!....Now that's what's always puzzled me. If cycling is for exercise and to get fit......why spend thousands of ££s on a bike (and Lycra gear) that makes it easier? Surely you'd get more efficient exercise on an old 'Sit-up and beg' with your jeans tucked into your socks?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. And....if motorists make cycling on general roads so dangerous.......why keep doing it? No-one looks very fit in a Hospital bed.
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