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916 Quick Release Fuel Couplings?

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by yellowducmaniac, Jun 20, 2022.

  1. Looking at your pics, pull the rubber hose off and away from the brass union and it will reveal a hard plastic nozzle @ 20mm long.
  2. I’ll go give that a try, thanks!
  3. Well, now I have a new problem. :rolleyes:

    I was able to cut the old plastic hose off the barb, but the new soft rubber hose is clearly too big for it. The barb doesn't really touch the sides of the inside diameter of the hose:


    It looks some guy over on Ducati.ms has the same issue in post #12.
  4. Stating the obvious.... Your hose it too big. What ID is the old plastic hose? I bet it's 1/4 or 6mm and your rubber hose is 8mm or 5/16 which is correct for the internal hoses and also the older models external hoses.
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  5. You're close! The new soft rubber hose is 3/8" ID but the ID of the old hard plastic line is 6mm (sorry for mixing units). It looks like I have three options:
    1. Buy a pair of 3/8" barb-to-1/4" barb fittings, a short length of 1/4" hose, and adapt the two together
    2. Buy a long length of 1/4" hose and see if I can force it over the new quick disconnects (which seems unlikely)
    3. Drop $300 with Ducati and order a whole new assembly (590.2.020.1A)
    I guess option 1 makes the most sense?
  6. Traded emails with the vendor. He suggested I try 5/16" hose & quick disconnects instead of the supplied 3/8" stuff.

    I took a quick butcher's with some spare 5/16" hose and it's quite snug (though still removable with force) on the OEM brass union. So I guess I need to swap out the 3/8" stuff.. sigh.
  7. Hi gents just learning the world of 998 ownership
    Can anyone tell me the inside dia exterior of fuel lines that fit to these quick release fuel tank fittings
    Thanks Peter
  8. 5/16 i.e. 8mm
  9. Many Thanks
  10. Hi
    Do you have a link for replacement fuel lines interior and exterior
  11. https://cohpro.com/product/fuel-hose-in-tank-7-3mm-id/
    You need some of this inside the tank. About 35cm. I use this and it fits nice and snug. Externally you can use any 8mm fuel hose for fuel injection. Fuel pressure is 3 bar so anything rated 6bar or higher is fine. Halfords will do. I use this type of hose clips. I think 13-15mm is the right size but can't guarantee it. Better check what the OD of your hose is. Screenshot_20220823-160622.png

    Demon tweeks also sell submersible fuel hose in the right size. Similar price. Fuel filter is Mahle KL145. There are others under that number. They're all the same.
    Even with the correct hose in the tank it's a regular service item. Every 4 years for me.
    #51 Petsmith, Aug 23, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2022
  12. Thats been a really great help as I am totally green as to 998’s I hope you dont mind if I have more questions in the future
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