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Radar Detector

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Justatad, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. That nod and a wink smart-alecry sounds great, right up until you have to give it in evidence at a Crown Court jury trial. As Ducv2 said, you’d better actually have a garage with a remotely opening door, because if you don’t, then that’s enough reasonable suspicion to allow the police to search your house and seize your phone and computers. Dodgy number plates, jammers, getting someone else to take points, providing false details on a s.172 notice response form, filing a false Statutory Declaration etc in order to avoid 3 points and a £100 fine all sound like wizard wheezes, but they can and do land people in jail on the regular.
  2. Not being a smart Alec at all, just relaying what I believe are the facts. And yes, I do have a Hormann electric garage door but I have to press a button on the fob in the car to operate it. I don’t know if a completely automatic gizmo is available for it.
  3. Fair enough. It's just been my experience that these kind of threads (not solely on this forum) end up including all sorts of "bloke down the pub" type advice which could land people in a lot of trouble. :upyeah:
  4. Oh yes, we have all come across bar stool preachers who know for a fact that………….but when asked for the evidence it turns out to be hearsay that has been ‘embellished’ somewhat. I sincerely hope that I don’t come across like that.
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