agree, but find that when you get into the social fabric of troublesome countries, the proletariat are usually really nice people! It's the West who get involved that cause the problems... Siria is an issue that somehow skirts the issue though...
Hahaha true. I went to Chatham South school for a while and lived in Lordswood. I know firsthand the veracity of that statement.
Has America lost its bottle ;-) Usually they can sum up the whole situation, give everyone due consideration and then decide that military intervention is always the best bet, all with-in one evening jolly up at buffalo grill or similar:wink:
The question is ultimately about power and resources. The world is full of conflict with winners and losers at all levels, yet no one can live in isolation, you have to build your power base from which to grow and use the tools at your disposal. The view that conflict is a failure of communication and understanding and all we need to do is talk to people for peace to emerge is simply wrong. There are fundamental differences in philosophy and religion between regions and as the earth's population grows towards 8 billion that can only get worse. I think Malthus may have been right all along, he was just ahead of his time.
I suppose its almost like accepting that BMW motorcyclists are bikers. This boils down to communication and understanding for which I have neither time for :biggrin:
How's about you test riding an s1000rr and a k1300s then revisiting your statement. You might then find its the second most ridiculous statement on this thread. Nothing beats thinking "raghead" is not offensive.
Why is it up to the UK or the US to sort out Syria? When will we learn to stop pretending we are still a world power and that others don't want us involved. All it brings is grief to our home whether that be the underground bombings, Glasgow airport, idiots abusing and murdering our soldiers when they return or the loony EDL. It's not worth it. If they want to slaughter each other, let the get on with it.
I owned a s1000rr for 8 months as it happens, K1300s not really my style. All said in good spirit dear chap
Just because you can doesn't mean to say you should...... Or you could try standing outside a mosque on a Friday using that language and see what happens. Give it a try and tell us all how you got on. My money is on you take a hiding before the police arrest you.
I really don't see it as offensive. There is a mosque up the road from me where the fackers always block the road every Friday... Maybe I'll try it there! On the other hand, the locals I worked with in Iraq were great! Wonderful food too. It's the insurgents that cause all the problems...
Ragheads, Shoe bombers, puftars, Chinkies, Jocks, Taffies, Wogs, honkies. I don't discriminate I'll take the piss out of you all lol
We in Britain always have the strategic option of giving up, pulling our horns in, abandoning our UN Security council seat, scrapping nuclear weapons, ceasing to contribute to NATO/EU/Commonwealth/UN operations, accepting a low-level military, diplomatic and economic role in the future. We are only a small island and our forebears have punched far above our weight for three centuries. UK could become equivalent to say Denmark or Portugal in the world. It would certainly make life simpler, and be cheaper in blood and treasure. The question is, is that what people want? Would voters vote for it? Who would be content with that outcome? I believe the answer is a resounding no, from nearly everybody, and nearly all shades of political opinion.
The Great British Public like the prestige of being a "world power". It is their divine right ... but why, oh why, do we have to pay for it? Can't it be free?