Best poster ever. .. if you want high res copy, pm me. I am professional photographer, easy make a high res reproduction . Leonardo wrote his annotations from right to left, so the translations were not that difficult... amazing genius.
Read an article about that a couple of days ago, does not bode well for the safety of orbiting satellites, space platforms or future rocket launches. The US military have a department solely to monitor space junk trajectories to worn satellite operators so they can make adjustments to avoid being hit. Plus an awful lot of that space junk makes uncontrolled re-entry into Earth's atmosphere ….. and might burn up. I was genuinely taken by surprise how much future junk, Elon Musk has put in geostationary orbit, over 6,700 satellites. Andy
I thought most of the satellites Elon Musk has put into orbit are related to the Starlink system, and all have a relatively short finite life, but once they come to the end of their service life they are 'de-orbited' by firing a booster which puts them into a lower orbit where gravity takes over and they burn up on re-entry. I believe that's the case for most modern satellites, irrespective of size. The bigger problem is the likes of China and Russia testing anti satellite weapons resulting in thousands more bits of debris, increasing the risk of a chain reaction of destruction, the resultant loss of global access to kittens and dancing public servants on Tik-Tok, and having to read an OS map again and stick directions on your petrol tank.....
Only those in low earth orbit. Satellites in geosynchronous orbit are a long long way away - approx 37,000km. IIRC, defunct GS units are taken out of orbit and are then “parked” in a graveyard orbit.