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Random Picture Thread Vers.4

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jul 5, 2024.

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  1. Typhoon according to my AI Google search. Andy
  2. Cheat. :p
  3. And, your point is ? Andy
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  4. It’s just not much fun googling everything.
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  5. Typhoon I believe, the tempest doesn’t have the air intake under the engine?
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  6. I’m not so sure. Suspect you are right. But… you may not be :)
  7. Typhoon.
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  8. According to ‘ahem’ Google, the main difference between a Typhoon and a Tempest 1 was in the wing, much thinner cross section on the Tempest, so a bit difficult to tell from just the fuselage. Both aircraft fitted with a Napier Sabre engine, 37 ltr, liquid cooled, sleeve valved, H24! So both would have radiator under the nose, the Tempest 2 was fitted with a Bristol Centaurus, 52 ltr, 18 cyl, sleeve valved, air cooled, two row radial engine, so air inlet behind prop and nothing under the nose.

    Quite interesting reading about the quest for more and more power and speed from the final military piston engines and propellers, as ‘ye canna change the laws of physics, Jim’

    Must have been a godsend when such complicated piston engines were replaced by something as mechanically simple as a gas turbine, although with that came quite a few metallurgy challenges.
  9. One of my mates has just been to turkey for a hair transplant (had his pegs done out there too a few years ago). £5k it cost him and he’s really pleased with the results if u need any numbers (I’m not even joking).
  10. When you say transplant where on the body are they harvesting the hair?
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  11. And why would I want to spend £5K on something that would detract from my well deserved & increasing 'stud muffin' ability to attract large swathes of the female population? Ha! :D
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  12. dunno, but there's a clause to say they can't guarantee curl-free.
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  13. Several years ago I was on the tube in that London and a bloke opposite had a shiny bald head with the remnants of a hair transplant.
    There were about a dozen plugs of hair growing out of his otherwise smooth top to his head with a dozen tiny bald patches around the sides where they’d been harvested.
    It looked worse than a bald head ever would.

    and just to keep to the rules, here’s my mate’s dachshund
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  14. 474788726_933948222176460_2119400763853075284_n.jpg

    1966 Monaco GP: Bruce McLaren (McLaren M2B Ford) followed by Lorenzo Bandini (Ferrari 246)
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