Balls, arse, nose and ears. Joking of course, its taken from round the back of the head (which never stops growing apparently). He had to sleep upright for 10 days after or some such. Dont think its a very pleasant experience.
A mate of mine had a transplant about 6 months ago and they also had to take some hair from his chest
Picked my daughter up from Uni earlier and driving home this sign flashed up on motorway (she snapped it of course). Not what you want to see.
Well. Absolutely nothing. I’ve been thinking about it a bit more. I wonder if it was a works vehicle heading up the coned off hard shoulder/inside lane? The signs were lit for about 2 miles. I did see one blue light way up in the distance but s as part from that no dramas. It made me slow right down and make sure I was in amongst bigger vehicles though. Safety in numbers.
Always used to be fake warnings like that on the 25 when I was commuting round it. “Danger animals on the road”’etc… Yeh good luck with that mate.
I had a client who was a great grandmother at the age of 48. I was basically standing counsel to her one family crime wave and represented several members from every generation from her down to her 15 year old grandson. IIRC, her mother was also still alive and so she was a great great grandmother in her late 60s. They weren’t scousers though. They all lived in or around Leytonstone and Walthamstow in east London.