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Random Picture Thread Vers.4

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. 6F6FBA66-8379-4276-AB05-777A61D665B2.jpeg
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  2. 387D3EF3-E18B-44A6-B63B-A46E1C7FB2C8.jpeg
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  4. Oooo.... only just noticed this suggestion... whoa! getting really radical there. The farthest out I've got is having in on crumpets.

    But scrambled eggs (v.slighty runny of course) on lightly marmited toast does sound particularly lush...
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    Vile. I can’t eat scrambled eggs unless they’re really dry (McDonalds style) and to then add Marmite to the foul emetic-inducing slop calls into question your very humanity. :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 8
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  7. It's a diorama (not mine unfortunately)
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  8. Afraid not.
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  10. is that a Spriguar or a Jaustin Heaguar?
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  11. Ha-ha-ha - but surely you don't cook your fried or poached eggs to the same level of unpleasant dryness & rubberiness? Or have your dippy egg with toasted soldiers boiled for 17 minutes for that same, mmm nice, squash ball level of texture :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Absolutely not. I can just about stomach well don’t you have to okay, okay? Monster monster love you very much. scrambled egg so long as there’s plenty of salt and ketchup to hand, but the idea of that horrible white jelly and nasty sulphurous yolk is making me dry heave.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. I’ve just noticed that my comment included a load of joined up gibberish transplanted into the middle of what I’d written. My dog sometimes gets jealous when I’m on my phone and will try to knock it out of my hand, which is what he was doing while I was writing. One of us must have accidentally activated text-to-speech and so you lot ended up eavesdropping on our Sunday evening conversation (NB: “monster monster” is Siri’s mishearing of of “Iggy Monster”, which is one of his nicknames). :laughing:

    Anyway. Here’s a pic of the mutt.

    • Funny Funny x 5
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  14. I should also clarify something. I was trying to convey that I simply do not eat boiled or poached eggs, but I don’t think I did so clearly and in fact I may have even left you with the opposite impression. And as for hard boiled eggs, how anyone can even bear to be in the same room as one of those, much less eat it, is beyond me. I feel so strongly about this issue that I felt the need to explain.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. So, shall we assume you are not a big fan of the chicken embryo?
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  16. Mc Donalds isn’t real food, so where do you stand with say a McDonalds Egg Mc Muffin?
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  17. Get thee behind me Satan. I like McDs scrambled egg, but that’s it.
  18. Smart, cute, intelligent, beautiful, (mad as a box of frogs???) dog!:upyeah:
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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