Random Videos

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cupid Stunt, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    bit more of this going on than usual..
  2. What ya cooking up Chris?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. was being cryptic for the Forum Anthony :innocent::innocent: - I just had a bit of Haddock - wot about u?
  4. Though you were doing a Peter and talking in riddles!!

    Fajitas and maybe a beer later.

  5. F
    ilppin brilliant :joy: :joy:
    #85 Poucher, Feb 2, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
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  6. Classic!

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. https://www.c-span.org/video/?168241-1/the-cat-hue-vietnam-war-story

    Finished the book today. There was a site set up at publication - mentioned after the credits - with more info, and pictures, but doesn't mention the book anymore - like the registration lapsed.
    The 1970 Charlie Company film is on YouTube, but only 360p res.

    What there is, are these two 2002 vids on C-SPAN, an interview with John Laurence. I'd suggest watching after reading the book rather than before, for the chronological sense. If you stick with the 800-odd page book, this gives perhaps a little more context?

    So, Laurence was 25 when he went to Vietnam; he's 62 in this interview - and I imagine 83 now (born in '39, the same year as Grace Slick). At this point he'd lived in England for 30 years.

    I notice there seem lots of posts in this thread that are not non-YouTube random videos! I may buy a newspaper and write a letter. Harumph.

    @Gandalf @Jez900ie @Sam1199
    #88 Wasted Time Lord, Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
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  9. Oh no.... The has book arrived, its massive and there's only one picture!
  10. "I notice there seem lots of posts in this thread that are not non-YouTube random videos!"

    Wrong thread son. ;)
    • WTF WTF x 1
  11. Agreed. It didn't bother me 'til I finished it and saw there was more stuff, and pictures, on the website. Apparently at 842 (iirc) pages, he had to leave things out. You'd think there'd at least be a picture of the cat!


    So Laurence asked his Vietnamese assistants the Vietnamese for 'cat' and that is what they told him. Now, they're giggling at him for taking this kitten, that he expects will be eaten if he leaves it, and it's easy to imagine they're imitating the cat sound 'meow' - not so much taking the pee as astounded that he'd do so. Still, 34 years later, he says the name is Vietnamese for 'cat'.
    I wonder if Vietnamese for 'dog' is 'baowo'.
    #91 Wasted Time Lord, Jun 22, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2023
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  12. I'd like to point out to conservative party members & there voters that the mRNA vaccine is safe & effective. You should perhaps double up on your intake!

    For those not in that monsterous organisation please don't take any more 'shots'. A certain drug or half-a-pill thins your blood.
    #93 GunZenBomZ, Jul 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  13. One for us climbers...

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  14. That gave me sweaty palms!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Thanks Keith, you have added some unexpected entertainment to today for me, due to the rather "straight look" Don displayed while Chris was talking, i thought to investigate more as could tell he was quite a character. RIP Don.

    "Whillans was well regarded for his capacity to deliver a cracking one-liner off the cuff. One example which encapsulates his wry humour concerns him encountering a team of—to his mind—poorly equipped Japanese mountaineers attempting the north face of the Eiger. "You going up?" Whillans asked them. "Yes! Yes!" came the reply. Pause, then Whillans: "You may be going a lot higher than you think."

    Whillans participated in the 1971 International Expedition and 1972 European Everest Expedition, each attempting to climb Mount Everest's southwest face. The latter expedition was plagued with personality conflicts and the withdrawal of many climbers.[2] While in camp, some other climbers overheard news that England had lost a football match to Germany. "It seems we have beaten you at your national sport", said a German. After a pause Whillans replied, "Aye, and we've beaten you at yours...twice."


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  16. ..for the older Forum member - only learnt today that the "This Is Your Life" episode that aired in 1963 carried a particular irony for the subject. Although her husband was introduced during the programme, unbeknown to the programme makers, they were "separated" at that time as Hattie had taken up with a John Schofield, who was also living in the family house, and had been for some time.

    Cringeworthy footage from 5 mins 20 secs onward as J.L.M., ever the gentleman, never lets on. It was indeed a "jolly neat trick" John.

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