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Rape of the English Language

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. OOPs posted in the wrong thread..........I must have been super excited at riding my push bike. :smile:
  2. I know.
    I was just giving you a hard time.
  3. From today's phone call, booking tickets: repeatedly

    thats not a problem

    It wouldn't matter to me if it was a problem. I'm paying for you to bloody book tickets, not reassure me that you're not troubled
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  4. The use of adjectives in the place of adverbs:
    On the snooker commentary:

    "He's got to knock that in perfect."

    God, that annoys me. It's become really prevalent. All comes of interviewing sports people on primetime TV if you ask me.
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  5. Another sporting horror is the use of "never" when "didn't" would suffice perfectly well.

    "The keeper never got near it."

    Actually "the keeper didn't get near it." Next time he might do a better job...?!
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  6. "He's playing great."

    "Great" isn't an adverb either. What's wrong with saying "really well"?
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  7. We used to play a game at work - when bored - next phone call someone had to use a certain phrase - I always ended up with 'top notch'
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  8. We used to do that with training briefings and debriefings; "it's a thinking man's game" and "all you shit in one sock" were always favourites...
  9. Heard a radio interview with an American expert today, "Philippines has some of the highest levels of 'out-migration', 10% of the population works abroad"

    OUT-MIGRATION, OUT-MIGRATION??? All it takes is for it to appear as a phrase on some mindless US soap and we'll be hearing it from BBC commentators and reporters any minute now!! Out migration!
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  10. When did we give up?

    There is good reason for and no argument with our PISA ranking of 26th in the developed world for Literacy and it is that for years there has been a growing cultural acceptance of settling for the lowest common denominator, aim at the bottom, you're sure to get there; a swelling pride in being ignorant, speaking badly, being bad mannered, drunken, demanding our rights without contributing, breeding a couple of generations of semi-feral kids who have perfected the worse of the above itemised traits and the embers of what Great Britain was universally respected for - the opposite of all the above, are pissed on by the media's lazy journalism of envy - where success of any shade is set up to be despised - every story seems to start with details of a person's age, how much their house is worth and how much they earn, simply in order to bend the readership's sympathies into the prevailing mindset of dragging the nation down to the level of the lowest. ASBOs become badges of honour, men and boys propel themselves along the street with their phlegm, seemingly unable to walk without spitting, huge grazing beasts in velour block our supermarket isles guzzling diet pop and farting, shop assistants have largely lost the ability to speak, but manage to communicate with each other in a series of unintelligible guttural noises and very loud shrieks of inappropriate laughter oblivious to their surroundings and to what constitutes a day's work, while you wait and time passes while the intellectual pygmies commune, and you wait and think back to when you were at school and there was one fat kid and one Asian boy in the whole of Year 3, you called your teachers, 'Sir' or 'Mam', everything was 'please', 'thank you' and 'you're welcome'. You jumped up out of your seat so women could sit down on the bus or the tube, you held doors open for your elders and allowed people to pass - and as if planned, your reverie is rudely shattered as you're suddenly barged from behind by a pie-eating, smelly waddler, with no concept of personal hygiene, as they swing their hams in the direction of the vending machine to take on some more chocolate fuel in order to make it to the cake counter. The urge to ride a motorcycle comes from the need to isolate yourself from what our society is fast becoming - a zoo operating on the principles of devil take the hindmost, where an ever dwindling number of good people have an ever-growing, ever-clearer understanding of and sympathy for King Canute's brave, but ultimately doomed, mission.

    Ah! That's better!
    #210 Borgo Panigale, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
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  11. Wish I wrote it up there ;)
  12. 10/10 for the nerd rant!

    Back to the topic - 'everyone' - as in 'everyone was looking at us'. Uttered by attention seeking arses who can't be bothered to delve into their vocabulary in order to find a more appropriate phrase.
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  13. Interestingly, Switzerland scored 4th in the world for maths, after South Korea, China and Japan. There was a bit on Newsnight showing little Koreans going to school, going to night school, going to bed at 2am and then having to get up at 6:30 am to do it all again. The inference was that if that's what it takes to be in the top 3, no thanks.

    Swiss school hours aren't dissimilar to the UK's. No one is going to night school as far as I know. But then "success" in Switzerland isn't a dirty word. So a decent education doesn't have to be a south east Asian crammer.
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  14. Exactly - it's an attitude problem...
  15. That phrase, oft used on television adverts, "everyone's talking about..."
    No, everyone is NOT talking about it...
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  16. The misuse of the word brilliant, when excellent is more appropriate. The winter morning sun was brilliant today, that new song by Ed Sheeran is excellent.
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  17. You're clutching at straws there. "Brilliant" has been used as an adjective of approbation for decades.
    You might just as well complain about "awful" meaning terrible, sorry, bad.

    You've got to admit some evolution of the language. The rape of it is just poor usage. To decry "brilliant" as a synonym for excellent is just pedantry.
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  18. asda

    " chosen by you "
    it wasnt

    "smart price"

    err "low price"
    #218 Phill, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
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  19. You don't shop at Asda, Phil??
  20. They seemingly endless use of the word "sport" when what is actually being described is football - ie Sky Sports 1, Sky Sports 2, Sky Sports News, BT Sport. Why not just be honest and call them "The Football channels" ?
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