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Rape of the English Language

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Race commentators - "the straightaway"

    Kill them.
    #101 Borgo Panigale, Nov 14, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
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  2. I worked for GE years ago. They got caught bribing some US DoD person and gave us all anti corruption training. I asked them why, if they had corruption problems in the US, did they come to England to lecture us about anti corruption. Didn't go down too well...
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  3. quite....this is the sort of shinola large companies get horny for....also, why go to the 'little people', when it's the top brass that are lying and thieving their way to riches.
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  4. They're/he's in, "a foot race"

    Where has that come from?
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  5. Borgo - it came from America, along with a lot of other pointless expressions...
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  6. Just been reminded of another one that annoys me - people who say "band" ( as in "boy-band" ) when they mean "group". You don't play any instruments, you're NOT a band !
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  7. And the TV presenters' favourite - "give it up...". Give what up, exactly? I wish they would give it up!
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  8. fkn JR you're dead right mate....'give it up'....the implication being perhaps that the audience are knowingly withholding their raptourous applause out of spite, or ignorance of the fact that the screaming child bawling 'i will always love you' into a mic is in fact incredibly gifted and talented....she 'nailed it', 'made it her own', 'owned that song, and owned that stage missus', has an incredibly good recording voice (ive been a professional musician for 23 years and i still don't know what that's supposed to mean)...or..'you're gonna be a big big star..someone should give you a recording cuntract'....
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  9. slightly off topic, but TV presenters really should be able to use the English language properly - one of my pet hates is 'bekfuss'. FFS, the name of the show you present is 'bReakfasT news'.
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  10. Whilst I'm on a roll, why has it become fashionable to talk about the past in the present tense?
    "In 1939 the Germans invade Poland and the Second World War starts..."
    "In 1939 the Germans invadED Poland and the Second World War startED..."

    It's as bad as "footballer -speak" - "yeah, he's passed the ball and I've headed it into the net..."
    #110 JR45, Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  11. It's not November 18th, it's the 18th of November.
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  12. And yet another one : RAF-speak. "The PRO is sat in seat 01A".
    No he isn't - he is SITTING in it!
  13. Shouldn't that be whilst I'm rolling ?

  14. November 18th 2013

    Is how I thought you wrote it.
  15. Is how I thought it should be written
  16. If you're American, yes. Otherwise it's 18th November 2013.

  17. "Remember, remember november the 5th"

    Doesn't have the right ring to it, does it?
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  18. Yes, this "owning" things or people is a really recent ridiculousness.
    Where did that one come from? (Yes, sure, the US, but when and how?)
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  19. not only this post, but so much other good material here...

    yeah, this present tense to express the past is a real piss boiler...i think it's yet another americanism. I'm certain, that these patterns of speech are merely fashion statements..the trouble is, that the statement is, "i'm an ignoramus"...

    re football (which i abhore), i've also noticed that the so called pundits, drop the plural of ball due to it's ceaseless comedic distraction..."they played some long ball into the box"...
    Football is riddled with innuendo, so why worry....

    "Seaman has come out of the box and is all over Wayne Rooney's hard tackle"...

    I rest my case.
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  20. math.
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