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Re-use / recycle...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JR45, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. thats not blushing thats the marks from spanking lol
  2. If only you knew Johnboy lol :wink:
  3. and let us not forget the '...will my bike pass the noise test' threads. To be honest, I should just have a massive merge fest :tongue:
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  4. Kinky:eek:
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  5. Noooooooooo.......
  6. You all know you can choose not to read them, right?!
  7. No sex toys here was told to just try harder ..... then she came out in tight, black leather cat woman suit ...... I can try much harder for that!!!! He this might be a new thread, what does your woman/man wear for fun times ;)
  8. Blimey that would be an interesting read !!!
  9. Full set of leathers and a helmet

    Just sayin ...
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  10. Not sure about the Helmet !!!!
  11. I do not see a way in ;)
  12. Dirty boy !!! Lol
  13. More like Bradders is doing the dressing up ;)
  14. I love my full length winciette nighty night cream and bobble hat ..
    Trust me it's a big improvement.

    In my young thin days I had a rubber catsuit I was about 7-8 stone max and would wear 5 inch heeled PVC boots .'

    I would totter about like this in sainsburys ..
    My dad said I nearly wiped out the ward when he was in hospital with a heart attack.
    " oh god here comes the angel of death"
    He dared me to visit this annoying bloke who kept yelling for nurses!

    I got stuck in it once after a gig and had to bang on neighbours door with a bottle of talc as it got stuck. To me!

    Those days are sadly no more after I had my sons everything went to pot!

    Your opening a can of worms Lucuz because if you start that thread them that means you men folk have to fess up!!

    I don't think I can handle forum members in Mankini photos :(
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  15. (In my young thin days I had a rubber catsuit I was about 7-8 stone max and would wear 5 inch heeled PVC boots .')

    going for a cold shower ....................maybe gone some time :biggrin:
  16. So... Which one of you is going to be brave enough to actually stsrt that thread then ?
  17. And the simple answer is..... bradders !
  18. good lad :upyeah:
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