Don't try nicking it. Unless you happen to be Commander in Chief of the 8th Armored Brigade. Or similar
Nice work Mike, hope your Christmas is as good as it can be.... Not ideal being away. I know too well.
@ditchvisitor Ive been asked to let you know that Aircon can’t read your PM to him or access this site for some inexplicable reason - must be something to do with his internet connection . I would have sent you a PM to tell you but I can’t do that either - all very strange. Anyway if you want to speak with him and him with you you need to either go to the ‘other place’ (I can’t type the name as the post will then get deleted) or send me a PM (I can receive PMs just can’t start a new conversation).
I have heard that all world leaders either because of their end of term is in sight or because Christmas is upon us are very lenient in the clemency department so with a bit of luck someone will see the light soon on DF and restores all people's access to normal, you wouldn’t want to be compared with a certain North Korean leader of a certain stature now is it ?
Sorry to hijack when you say glen Searle, do you mean glen who lives / lived in Kent (near brands) ? If so, he knew me as a kid. My dad knows him dabbled as a uni lecturer. Searle race engines. Did some car stuff as well.. small world