not to forget our beloved christians, jews, hindus and...well you get the idea...stoning people to death is as old as...well, its on every other page of the bible... i wouldnt have a vile tome like the bible in my house, unless i needed some tinder. the most odious work of fiction ever its not been banned i'll never know.... View attachment 12085
got to love your use of the english lingo written down Rimpy. I would just say to peeps watch the jim jefferies link I posted up, he maybe taking the piss but he's so right in what he's saying.
sorry Loz, ive always been a bit reticent..i'll redouble my just a know..worried about that eternal damnation and the whole burning in hellfire with a hot dagger up me 'arris rap yer know..? more rupture than rapture..
I wouldn't be worried about that if I were you. You must have been excommunicated aeons ago. You're fooked mate. There'll be no room at the inn for you!
View attachment 12087 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! THRICE HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS POP UP HAS JUST APPEARED ON MY PAGE!!! YEAH 'MARRIAGE IS SUNNAH' ALRIGHT....PHHOOOAARRR, YOU CANT CANT BEAT THEM BURKAH BABES AND HIJAB HONEYS!! Thats it...fekk it..i was wrong....disregard ALL of my previous posts...there IS a god and she's called allah... Shit, i wasted £20 yesterday on a multipack of gillete Mach3's...won't be needing them again. Wheres my compass? im gonna have a word and see if i cant strike it rich by the long suckers, im off to get a Pani in the morning a ride upstairs to whoresville.... Dont be surpised if i die with a few skidmarks on my helmet :wink:
No, I'd not forgotten about the other fantasists. However in the main the others have changed and modernised. Not many advocate stonings and beheadings as far as I'm aware. FFS you can even eat meat on Fridays nowadays if you're a catholic. There's progress for you :wink:
Slightly off topic, but this thread is a superb example of web page metadata at work. You type a few "keywords", muslim, islam holy and the like, and the thread gets bombarded with Muslim marriage and dating site adverts because apparently marriage is Sunnah, ...apparently. Technology Eh?, now back to the show.
Free Desmo Free Desmo Free Desmo Free Desmo Free Desmo Free DesmoFree Desmo Free Desmo Free DesmoFree Desmo Free Desmo Free Desmo Free Desmo Free Desmo Hey, it might work :biggrin:
waving goodbye TO my left hand....anyway, if anyone winds me up, at least i'll be able to give em a left hook!
One definition of religion,from t'Interweb: The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods. And details of belief as taught or discussed As previously stated,I'm not religious or a believer in any form of religion,but I'll try to argue for it,just for the craik: Is everything about religion bad?.I'm not talking about architecture or some hymns,(which I find strangely uplifting on occasion) For instance,most of us behave in a reasonable manner,so where did this behaviour come from?.If it was from our folks,where did they get it from?and so on,and so on For most societies,there seems to be a code of behaviour,(obviously different things are acceptable in different societies),but was it belief that shaped that?.Or do we just evolve into it? Previous generations appear to have had a stronger belief in religion,I assume that belief came with the usual,"don't do that/theres some dude looking down/you'll go to hell if you do",warning on the packet,so is that how "right",and "wrong" came to be defined? If that is the case,(and we accept that our society currently behaves in a reasonable manner),then at one stage in history was religion a positive thing for mankind,i.e,that was where we learned how to rub along in a fairly tolerant,stable society. And if you take it one step further,(acceptance that religion was once something positive),what is it that makes the majority of contributors to this thread,non-believers? Is it the fact that most religions rely on some invisible,omnipotent being? Because the various religions keep fighting over,"my Gods bigger/better than your God"? Or because the different rule books have been misinterpreted and distorted over the years,and now bear no relation to what they were/meant originally? And lastly,if there was a religion that ticked all your personal boxes,i.e,tolerance/racial harmony/honesty/Ducati reliability/Rossi is still God/yadayadayada,do you think you'd subscribe to it? Answers on a postcard please.....
If we are all born in the image of god, did it have a cock, balls, tits and a honeypot? If god turned the lights on, but didnt make any stars until the Thursday, where did the light come from in the first place...? A torch??
World Cup Top Trumps (God Edition) DOB: 25th december a SUNday...god was the SUN or the SON of god... Superpowers: healing the sick, walking on water, resurrection, miracles, sucking an orange through a hosepipe.. Nickname:Lamb of God, The annointed Shepherd, The Light, The Sun (or son) of god, The Truth Pass Times: CruciFICTION, burial, resurrected after 3 days genocide Fan club info: 12 Disciples Egypt: Horus 3000 BC Greece: Attis 1200BC Mithra: Persia 1200BC India: Krishna 900BC Greece (B team) Dyonysus 500BC theres another 20 or 30,000 others to have a go at, but all of these pre date Yaweh (the judeo-christian god) who preceeded allah by another 500 years... then theres the prophets!!!! As you can see, all utter bollox.... Next lesson, the origins of astrology and alchemy.
A few more who all share the same birthday..must be a gr8 fkn party!!! Prometheus Ixion Thor Odin Chrishna Feta Budha Sakia Indra, Baal, Thamuuz, Atys Zoroaster Jao etc etc etc Then of course the super heavyweight knockout belts:: GREECE vs from Caesars Palace Ares vs Mars....Gods of War Poseidon vs Neptune...Rulers of the Sea LETS GET WET N' WILD FOLKS!! Hades vs Pluto..The Gods of the Dead..ewwwww! Hermes vs Mercury...The winged messengers, and a fave of Nike (Mercury's alter ago when he's got changed in a phone box) Apollo vs Apollo...Gods of Light...over in the same amount of time i am when logging onto, Apollo fought for both teams..personally i preferred Apollo vs Rocky..."yo goin dowwwwnnn'!! you get the idea....all shoite and boswelox...but once upon a time, these muthas ruled the UNIVERSE..where are they now?? But i KNOW sum fkrs will still be worshipping these guys and gals..the rest of us heretics are doomed!!