The seller has to cancel his tax for a refund, the buyer has to tax himself before riding / driving, its shit... civil servants are predominantly idiots to do things like this...
You know they wont. This change will change the way vehicles are bought/collected/insured. Its a clever move to raise more tax too, in a stealth fashion.
I wonder if they will allow a small period of grace to get the vehicle home and taxed, say 24 hours. One stipulation being you ride/drive straight home and have all other relevant documents on your person. The buyers part of the V5C should be proof enough that you have just bought the vehicle and, as long as you are heading home and not in the opposite direction there shouldn`t be a problem. I think something similar works for MOT`ing an un taxed vehicle, as long as the MOT is pre booked and you go straight there and back you are ok.
No - you will be picked up on NPR cameras and fined!!! The warnings are in the magazines regarding this, no grace period - period!
No exceptions? The Government has just eradicated the private second hand car market at a stroke! I wonder how many Cabinet members are used car salesmen?
How about............. I wonder if, when the DVLA realise what a gigantic fack up this has the potential to turn into, they will allow a small period of grace to get the vehicle home and taxed, say 24 hours.
it could still be with hindsight now that it will be costing the tax man a few bob with all these low emission vehicles about.
most of the spawny second hand car dealers I've seen snaffle the tax off of the cars they get in anyway, might as well add to their profit and they dont know how long a car will her sitting on the forecourt for anyway...
you fail to recognise that this is about making money not about making it easy for the average motorist.
Of course it's about raising more taxes, if you eradicate the thieving tax dodgers by putting it on fuel then it will raise more money. It might make some cut down on unnecessary journeys too!