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Reminder: No More Tax Discs From 1st October 2014

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. i think you'll find the thieving tax dodgers also thieve their fuel.........maybe thats like being self employed....you know tax exempt!;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. good question. he will have to recognize Scotland has a large rural population. hopefully make the bike test less of a hassle. put a congestion charge in the city's
  3. Don't think they will be able to - I guess the previous owner will have to cash the tax in when selling to a dealer too... so a positive there for some I guess
  4. I love this "put it on fuel instead" idea...
    The UK already has just about the most heavily taxed fuel in the world - just how much MORE tax do these people want to pay ? Of course doing that wouldn't make it cheaper - for anyone. When has the tax man ever done anything the the average person benefits from ?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. My bike suggested a solution to the "Where do you put your tax disk?" question. I found it today while I was at Loomies, in the well where the rear shock is mounted and the front of the hugger is attached. Obviously it wasn't happy where it was mounted originally (pillion footpeg mounting).

    I think I won't bother trying to fix it back on the bike.

    As to the actual question, "Put it on fuel instead?", this is a no-brainer. Put it on fuel and stop the foolish and unnecessary expense and hassle of a separate taxation system. It doesn't have to be much of an addition to the existing duty on fuel, it doesn't have to be loads of dosh. How about a penny a litre? Would that break the bank?
  6. If the real cost is say 1p a litre, you can bet your life the government will add 2p. Increased tax by stealth. And no one will ever argue. We never do.

    You know I'm right.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. You're always wrong, ET, but this time you are coincidentally right. But for all the wrong reasons :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. FFS. Where's ET and his banstick when you need him? :eek:

  9. You only have to look at the rise in National Insurance rt
    Ages/contribution over recent years, which has largely gone unnoticed, by the "general public" to ratify that.

    Go on, does anyone actually look at how much NI they pay as part of their salary . Might give you a bit of a shock...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. I'm working on the principle that he will self moderate ;)
  11. Kill it now!!!
  12. Dirty bugga!
  13. In the UK all taxes combined total about 40% of GDP, or £600 billion or so per year. Income tax and National insurance together comprise about half of all taxes. IT is about 12% of GDP, NI is about 8% of GDP. Sorry, what was your point again?
  14. Sorry.
    My internet stolen image of the cyclists was supposed to bring about a discussion on all road users making a equal contribution to the cost of providing them. Spent a lot of time dodging two/three a breast Lycra covered pests blocking the roads around London / Surrey.
  15. His point was very clear, not sure of yours though ;)
  16. It was bloody unnecessary!
  17. :Bag:
  18. What would have been wrong with this...

  19. Or this?

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