Getting back to the purpose of the thread before it went into the topic of the increasing moo cow population,and the baa decline of sheep in New Zealand.Should I fill up at BP or keep putting in milk shake fuel?
Although off topic I did really appreciate Dave's input and now on topic, what octane, make and choice of fuel do you have in N.Z.? Are there any stations that openly display E5, E10 etc yet?
Yeah it's pretty interesting that the milk you drink comes from powder,and the amount NZ exports is massive. Back on track I will have a look at different fuels at stations,I usually put in 95 octane but that's at gull,cheaper and now I know why.
I use Mobil 95 Synergy, mainly because I have a Fuel Card which gives me 20c off a litre of Mobil, the weather down here has been drier than usual for Spring, a bit warmer too.
Sounds like Gull might be similar to our 'supermarket' fuel, often cheaper but rumoured to be the first to include 5% Ethanol. Tesco included a 99 Octane Fuel a few summers ago that got everyone's attention.
As my Streetfighter is now on it's 3rd tank due to swelling. If it happens again, this looks to be a good option and cheaper than the alloy tank mentioned earlier. It would look mean on the black bike. :Hungry:
I know, that's why I'm asking. I'm not aware of any, but if there are, I'd like to know. These are nice. Alloy Tank but as I'll eventually buy the Beater tank for the R, that's £4k on 2 tanks :Wideyed: The Streetfighter will be staying standard unless I have issues again.
Don't forget the Beater tanks have VAT and import Duty on top of the listed price even if the carriage is free :Wideyed:
I know, I'm trying to convince my boss to send me to Japan again soon. The beater factory is commutable from Yokohama.