He's seems terribly excited to be here. I wonder if some pruning of an otherwise excellent thread will be undertaken soon.
I take it this kind of thing isn't your day job? or you wouldn't be so hung up and proud of yourself over somthing so straight forward and trivial.
No, it isn't. I had not appreciated that the correct amount of oil is trivial. Thank you for putting me straight.
Tell you what i'll prun it for you sick your fukin forum, for the most part not all its clueless pricks who haven't a fukin clue talking utter shit, like this wanker so proud he can change oil?? give me a brake please!!
Apart from the swear words, can anyone decipher what he is going on about? Sounds like he is trying to arrest the effects of prunes or something.
Well, I wouldn't be paying anyone to work on my bikes - let alone someone who can't put togther a coherent sentence.
990 series... one of the best range of bikes there has ever been. Better than the Ducatis I've owned in the past too (although the 848 comes in third of my top bikes I've owned... two 990's come 1&2) And a dry sump
For the Multistrada dvt the book says 4.1 liters when its actually 3.4 or 3.6? WTF I put 4l and then drained 400ml, still above full level.
In what you put in, does that include replacing the oil filter? If not, that will contain a few hundred ml possibly.
As above most (a lot !) of manuals give the quantity for oil changes that do or do not include filling with a new filter. The filters on my 748/998 take quite a lot more oil when I do a full oil change and renew the filter. If there is doubt it's better to intiially err on the side of caution or recheck the specs in the handbook etc.
On my KTM, it was very surprising how much was being held by the hoses themselves. Anyone remove those?
Is that the amount of oil the bike holds or the amount when you change? A completely empty engine will hold more than of you just remove the sump plug and oil filter. Surely the amount of oil that comes out will depend on the viscosity, how long it's left to drain, if the engine was warmed, how long it was warmed, if its on its side stand, paddock stand, front and rear stand, tilted upright or past upright. Can't imagine ever putting an arbitrary amount back in.
The simple answer is yes and no doubt figures quoted are based on manufacturers estimates. For example, say, you use a non Ducati oil filter that may affect how much oil you would need to put in for a full oil change anyway. I wouldn't expect a manufacturer to quote figures for every situation, but it should be a good starting point based on the assumption that the oil change has been carried out as it should. I'd assume (maybe wrongly!) most would at least try and take a sensible approach when changing oil and not "sling" a load of oil in and hope for the best. It's not rocket science just a bit of thought required and checking the oil level as you go and after running the engine and then again after maybe it's been used on the road the first time.