Looking at the images above I'm wondering if I have non standard coils fitted, will have to check them over properly. One of the things I can't stand is trying to faff around getting several small ring terminals on a battery at the same time as the main terminal, it's not too bad on the older bikes of course, but anything with newer electronics can struggle with the various systems being powered up and down as you struggle. My M900 has been modified in the past, and I've taken it a bit further, so for example the non-standard Reg/Rec I've wired direct to the battery, and I've got a charging lead permanently connected etc. Because of this I used long terminals that I could bend over then attach the various other wires to the terminal before connecting to the battery. changing the battery is now a simple job. I couldn't find any long enough to go for a single right angle bend, but may make some and Tin them. I left a little bit of extra length on the cables so I could cut the ends off and crimp on new if required. I currently use a sheet of silicone rubber over the battery underneath the straps, but will also source some boots soon. Nasher
Bet those pods sound amazing... Heartily recommend an AGM battery if available. Spill proof, maintenance free for topping up and more cca for harder cranking
It's a bit difficult to hear them over the Remus silencers Couldn't agree more, although I'd struggle to justify the cost I think. The bike came to me with a Gel battery, not sure of the make, but It lasted one winter of infrequent use despite being on an Optimate, then gave up the ghost completely. Then when I went to replace it I found it was of a lower CCA than the std one. Standard spec Batteries from Tayna are so cheap I wouldn't mind replacing it each year, although this one is doing well despite being 2.5yrs old and abused badly over the winter months. Nasher
The one Yuasa appear to list has 210cca. The pods will be supplying a baseline to the symphony you may not be able to pick out but you'd sadly miss if it wasn't there. I say that because it's missing on my 999, which still sounds great with its straight through can but doesn't have the bellow your set up will have. Air runners may be efficient but they don't half stifle the intake sound...
One of the decisions I need to make soon is what I use air filter wise on my 900SS mongrel I'm building. I'm tempted to use a std airbox and filter with no lid, but do like the big K&Ns on the M900. I must see if they have a part number on, as the only pod style filters I've seen for the 900 are very small cone shaped ones, nothing like the pint glasses that are on my Monster. To get back on thread by the way, I have sourced some aftermarket coils for the SS, but it was a few months ago now and I can't remember the make without popping out to my workshop. Nasher
I had a Swiss-cheesed lid on my SS and race cans. The filter area is enormous, so it works well and sounds great. Cheap for filters too. Audi 924 filters fit My SS made half the power of my 999 but sounded as though it made double...
I took this image this evening to show the current sheet of Silicone over the terminals: But also took this one to show just how big the K&Ns on it are: I've now got the part number off them, DO45A4, so will have a search and see if it even going to be possible to replicate the set up on the SS if I decide to go down that route. Nasher
Well, bike has been stood for over a month since I last ran it. Came to start it today, first time since the CCW coils were fitted & all I can say is wow !! It started that quick it completely took me by surprise, none of the usual firing on one cylinder, changing plugs, rigmarole to get it running like usual. Money well spent I think, thank you Exige !!
Hey @Sev - do you know if @Exige is still a member? I can’t find him on the forum anymore. I was thinking of buying a set of these coils as they seem to be highly recommended. I took my 750SS out to Box Hill and Newlands Corner today. It ran ok but cut out after about 20 miles when I was doing about 45mph. I waited 5 mins and it started up fine and off I went again. Very strange but felt like a fuelling issue. I thought maybe these coils might help the situation. Any advice? I see you’re located in Guildford! I’m in Woking so maybe I’ll see you and your bike around at some point.
Exige is no longer on this forum, but here is a link to his website http://www.exact-start.com/our-product-specifications/