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Replica Spitfire Anyone ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Nice post that Sev,some posts make me feel good some piss me off,yours was a feelgood post :upyeah: .
  2. The Merlin engine in a car thing has been done more than once - The earliest one I can remember was called Jamieson Concorde. I'm pretty sure there was a Jamieson Concorde 2 which had two Merlins at an angle acrtoss the chassis driving two back axles - trouble was it kept breaking the drive-shafts. Also, one of the car magazines - "Retro" I think - did it a couple of years ago with a Merlin in the front of a Bentley...
  3. When I was a kid I lived half a mile from RAF Henlow...Shackletons dropping dummies on chutes from about 300 ft..prototype Harrier (P1127?) practicing STOL/VSTOL daily....playing about in an old Airspeed Oxford waiting to be used for fire practice.And Open days with flypasts from Vulcans,Lightnings etc....and our ATC Squadron had our inauguration parade in front of a dusty old late-mark Spitfire with the blister canopy...all British built aircraft,world beaters in their day...
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