I thought I would give the Moto Skiveez a try. Bought a couple of pairs from Adventurebikeshop.co.uk. They are brilliant and really improve the comfort whilst using the Standard or Touatech seats. They feel a bit strange to wear initially. Not cheap but in my opinion worth the cost. Three versions available, Sport, Adventure and Cruiser, I'm using the Adventure style. Give them a go, you'll be surprised. Ally
I find that what I wear makes a difference. If I wear leather bike jeans, I can cover more miles without a numb arse ...but they get bloody hot when its warm out. If I ride in denim jeans (shock horror) I get a numb arse but stay cool The TT seat is better shaped and saves my nuts from being skwished on the Mutley, that is a big bonus. They just take a while (or a fat bast) to bed them in and soften up that's all. Been through all this on my 675 Triumph when I made the mistake of fitting a new seat just before a 2000 mile Euro jaunt I was in agony on the ride, but afterwards with the seat now softened - it was OK.
Seat for sale, been out for a couple of hours with the original seat, no bum ache, a bit of nuts adjustment on the way but no real aches or pains. Touratech seat for sale, only 3 hours use, mint, best offer secures, it may work for you, it certainly didn't work for me. I guess we're all different in the nether regions, be boring otherwise. My wife has never moaned about bum ache on the bike, she also makes a big difference to the wind screen, that bit of weight seems to change the angle of the screen to make it a far smoother ride. No you can't try her on your bike to see it it works for you. Would anyone know the torque settings for the two big allen bolts on the rear hub, need to tension the chain. Many thanks in advance. 2017 dvt